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Thread: valium as a supplement??

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Medford MA

    valium as a supplement??

    I was at my local gym this morning and another 5am usual who spots me regularly was complementing on my recent gains in size and strength since I am 2 weeks into a 4 week 20mg ED M1T cycle. And he told me he was using valium to put on mass. I was shocked, I mean I know it gives you a hell of an appetite but I always felt it messed up my lifting due to lack of concentration and the lethargic side effects. But, he told me he was getting bigger and stronger taking them throughout the day and said he was even retaining water! A funny thing he said by the way was how his bench had gone up 20 pounds but " I cant remember where I parked my car in the lot" hahaha. Has anyone else ever heard of such a thing?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    At the gym
    It possibly just seems that way to him, valium causes changes in mood and affects perception, both these combined could be taking their toll on his judgment of things. Just having a better frame of mind going into the gym may result in a session of better lifting but not an increase in actual ability, hence his weights may have picked up a little if his frame of mind was bad in some way previously, which it might have been if he was suffering insomnia or something similair which would be a reason for taking valium in the first place.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    ACLU headquarters
    That is nonsense valium is a sedative if he is taking them throughout the day he won't have the same intensity when he works out, I don't but it.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    I heard this same rumor years ago from a few different people...
    Can't say I ever tried it myself, but it's been around for awhile
    But i can't imagine trying to go ball out squating or deadlifting
    on valium so i never tried it...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    the only beneficial effects i can see with valium is post work out to relax the muscles a slight bit more and help some (tiny bit) with recovery

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    trash can alley, VT
    I read an article in a mucle magazine a while back, and its true that for some reason, valium did help put on muscle, but it was also true that as soon as you stop taking it, its all gone. No post cycle helps either. So unless you intend on staying looped all the time for the rest of you life, its useless.

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