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Thread: An odd question(s) about my protein powder

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2004

    An odd question(s) about my protein powder

    I am unpacking my bags from a trip via airplane and bus right now.....and as I was doing so, I noticed that two of my three protein jugs were pumped up....they had tons of air pressure in them, and the bottoms were pushed out so they wouldn't stand up straight. So I kind of panicked, and opened them both to release the pressure. They seem okay (I smelled them), but I'm still wondering if they are good to go....

    My theory is that it may have been hot in the storage compartments on the bus, does this seem logical? The Jug that wasn't pressurized was already open, so it seems plausible, but at the same time wouldn't all of the jugs have been pressurized? Any theories would be appreciated......

    I assume they are still okay, since they didn't get wet, but what do you guys think?

    My final question is how long will they last now? I plan to be using these 3 jugs to last at least till December, do you think it would make it that long?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Kingdom Of Heaven !
    drink up bro , they are all good , remember whey is a derivative of milk , yogurt ....... the best way u can tell if its gone bad is by the smell , thats how i have seen it ,

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2003
    I used to work at a gym that sold protein, when the orders came in sometimes they would be like that, sometimes they even had a big dent in the side like the air got sucked out of them.

  4. #4
    lol, yea there fine . . . just curious, what brand of protein are you taking?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Physical_Specimen
    lol, yea there fine . . . just curious, what brand of protein are you taking?
    Solid Whey

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