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Thread: Beat This!!!hahahaha

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    Beat This!!!hahahaha

    Freakin craetine extreme at is only 21 bucks! Holy crap! FOR 4 POUNDS!!?? This is awsome. And i thought it was cool that i couled get 4 pounds four 25 bucks. Yo, i dunno if this is old news but this is the best creatine deal i ever seen.
    I'm gettin 2. I dunno about you guys. I don' t think it's possible to get a lower price than this. I have tried it before and both lemnade and fruit punch taste good, but i have no idea about te grape cuz i hate grape.
    Just thought i'd share the info with my iron brothas.

    This stuff has the same amount of carbs almost as ceelll teck but it's not all sugar. it uses some kinda starch with it as well. vaniadyle is in it, ans chromium.

    All around it pretty much has other stuff beat. It's got more creatine, more carbs more inslin sensitizers for that price that i have seen.
    What i do is put 1 scoop of that with 5 more grams of regaular creatine. Sometimes i'll take a full 2 scoops and get the 68 grams of carbs in it, but i think that is tow much to do all the time everyday, ya know. anyways heres the link

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    if your talking this for the Creatine in it your body only can use 5g/aday the rest is piss'd out.

    as far a price allsportnutrition sells 1000g jar of Creatine for 18.99 which is 200 servings of 5g of Creatine as opposed to
    Creatine Extreme: which is 4lbs , $20.46 and only 40 servings.

    just my $ .02

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by DevilsDeity
    if your talking this for the Creatine in it your body only can use 5g/aday the rest is piss'd out.

    as far a price allsportnutrition sells 1000g jar of Creatine for 18.99 which is 200 servings of 5g of Creatine as opposed to
    Creatine Extreme: which is 4lbs , $20.46 and only 40 servings.

    just my $ .02
    and if you want to get those "insulin sensitizers" just add some dex to it...also my .02

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