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Thread: methyl-d and oxavar

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2003

    methyl-d and oxavar

    has anyone taking these pro steroids methyl - d from gaspari nutrtion and oxavar. What do they do and which one works the best. I have just had gynecomastia surgery and im not lookin to get it again, the doc removed the glands from both. But in any way can these cause gyno.???

    what does oxavar do? im lookin to lose weight and get lean and add some mass. has anyone tried any impact nutrtion supplements and what worked the best.?

    LAst of all what is the ultimate supplement out there besides steroids.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    methyl d and oxavar can both cause progesterone related gyno Rare but capable but since you had the glands removed you shouldnt be able to ever get gyno again.
    Estrogen is what actually makes the lumps grow underneath so get that in check no problem

    How much did you pay?
    insurance cover any?

    as long as you take nolvadex ed throughout your cycles you should be fine but the ultimate would be femara and nolvadex which pretty much takes care of any gyno that you could possibly get!!!

    There wont be much that can get you big now but id say that 1 test or 5aacyp or m5aa are your best bet because they cannot aromatize into estrogen at all.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    [im not lookin to gain weight but when i got on test and i gain 20 pounds, also my insurance didnt cover it, and im on the 7th week of recovering, beginngin to work out, and contemplating on whether to do an another cycle again such as deca and winstrol... Do you think i will never get gyno again since he removed the glands.,?>??

    with methly i will gain a **** load of weight. i lookin to trim down a little and have vasculartiy such as winstrol does to people... what do you think i should do next.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Bryan2
    methyl d and oxavar can both cause progesterone related gyno Rare but capable but since you had the glands removed you shouldnt be able to ever get gyno again.
    Estrogen is what actually makes the lumps grow underneath so get that in check no problem

    How much did you pay?
    insurance cover any?

    as long as you take nolvadex ed throughout your cycles you should be fine but the ultimate would be femara and nolvadex which pretty much takes care of any gyno that you could possibly get!!!

    There wont be much that can get you big now but id say that 1 test or 5aacyp or m5aa are your best bet because they cannot aromatize into estrogen at all.

    1. You CAN get gyno again after the surgery, the glands are not removed completely they are just excised enough to improve appearance.

    2. It is NOT estrogen alone that causes gyno but a combination of estrogen and prolactin - either one in high amounts is not enough to cause a problem.

    3. Nolva and femara is a good combination, also keep bromocriptine (or other prolactin inhibiter) on hand incase the anti-estrogens are not sufficient

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Need to know basis.
    Quote Originally Posted by johnny1234
    has anyone taking these pro steroids methyl - d from gaspari nutrtion and oxavar. What do they do and which one works the best. I have just had gynecomastia surgery and im not lookin to get it again, the doc removed the glands from both. But in any way can these cause gyno.???

    what does oxavar do? im lookin to lose weight and get lean and add some mass. has anyone tried any impact nutrtion supplements and what worked the best.?

    LAst of all what is the ultimate supplement out there besides steroids.
    I just came off of a cycle of mohn (oxavar) and wasnt really impressed with it. I had some strength gains, but not a whole lot, and some really nice pumps and increased vascularity. I took 32mg aday for first 2 weeks, and then upped the dose to 64 mg aday for another 2 weeks. Not worth the money in my book.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    did u use pct and is this the legal prohormone we are talkin about. no related gyno from this rite? how much weight did u gain

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    If your lookin for a cutting cycle then id say go with the m4ohn and stay with 32mg a day it takes around 2 weeks to kick in fully and make sure to get around 45mins of cardio at 65-75% of max hrt rate. The m4ohn isnt really a mass type compound but more of one to assist cutting.
    You could throw in some m5aa preworkout for a nice pick me up also.
    But if you are looking for mass then your best bet has to be 1 Test
    You can cycle again but I would strongly reccomend taking around 1.25mg of femara and 10-20mg of nolva ed through out cycle so you stop any new gyno from ever forming again!!!
    Whats your stats?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    m4ohn what is the name of m4ohn if u want to buy it at all sports nutrition
    and what else do you need to take with it the full name,,, and do you need to take nolvadex throughout cycle and how long to run this 2 weeks and then start takin nolva. What is the gains from this,.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    I'm starting the methyl-d tomorrow brother used it alone while "cutting" and he went from a 36 waist to a 34 and went from 178lbs to 189 lbs...i don't know how everyone elses' results w/ this have been but it convinced me to go get some i'm gonna see how well it goes while i try to bulk

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    mohn/m4ohn/oxavar all the same

    has more positive feedback then methyl d

    you dont need nolvadex if taken without test/4ad
    (always good to have on hand just incase)

    run m4ohn for 6 weeks

    mainly lean mass gains and help loosing bf%

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    but takin oxavar by itself , you do not need nolvadex and you dont need any methyl 1 test or 4 ad to go with it. you can take it by yourself. so what are the side effects from this,. does it cause lethargy or gyno ?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    no you dont need anything with it but some form of test or 4ad will help with the results.

    It alone cant cause gyno or lethargy

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Hitting bitches
    one test doesnt convert to estrogen so he should be fine and they removed the
    glands also if he takes femara he should be in excellent shape.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    but takin ovaxar alone will be okay and no pct. who has taking oxavar alone and gotten results and how long did u run it for,./ what are u suppose to get by takin oxavar alone and finally has anyone takin durabol capsules from all sports nutrition and what occured from it,

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