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Thread: m1t conditioning

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2003

    m1t conditioning

    wow its been a long time since ive been on the forum, about 8 weeks to be exact. Been so busy with playing football i havent been able to get on but now i guess i am back, anywyas heres a question for you guys i did a 4 week cycle of m1t 3 months ago and had great results, right now i have lost some size due to all the conditioning associated with football, but I just got back into a weight room and I am lifting 4 times a week hard, my question is could i do another 4 weeks of m1t and get some results even with all the conditioning? any feedback would be great

  2. #2
    you should still get good results with lean muscle gains, maybe not as much weight as you gained last time but some lean weight and plenty of strenght.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    east coast
    What kind of ball are you talkign about? NCAA or high school? Either way your lower back is gonna be the thing causing problems if there are any problems. You'll get stonger and bigger but the pumps might be too much doing a sport like that.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    NCAA, hey NSA you are looking freaking riped man what are you taking

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    east coast
    That pic is a month old, im a little mor ecut now and a little bigger. i was like 180 in that pic holding some water weight too. Just finished my m1t/4-ad/winstrol cycle and im 185 with less BF% and less water.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Post a pic?

    How did you like adding the winny to the cycle?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    east coast
    Yeah i posted one just now. Its not all that good cuz of the lighting. I like winstrol alot, definately helped me cut some fat cuz i was eating worse than ever while on this cycle, I ate a ton of protein but i also ate alot of fat too. Im going to try and stay away from orals from now on. New thing i will be looking into is sublingual delivery systems, i don't know much about this method but it seems very promising but might get annoying after a while.

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