hey bros. just picked up some 1-test cyp and 4AD cyp for $15/10ml vile. it's dosed at 100mg/ml. little on the week side, but better than VPX's cyp. at that price, i could deal with the extra injections.
hey bros. just picked up some 1-test cyp and 4AD cyp for $15/10ml vile. it's dosed at 100mg/ml. little on the week side, but better than VPX's cyp. at that price, i could deal with the extra injections.
forgot to put the link up. no, this is not source posting because the stuff is still legal.
Not bad, but i like sledge's 1-test cyp 95$ for 50 ml of 200 mg/ml...
what kind of gains would i expect from this type of legal gear. Been ripped off too many time bout to go all pro hormone
15-20 pound gain in 10 weeks
check it out http://forums.steroid.com/showthread.php?t=129301
does he have more of it? i thought he was out?Originally Posted by nsa
idk about if he has any now, but he said the last batch he made was just that the last batch he would make before the ban.
cool thanks bro. i think we were talking about this before and the VPX sh*t that i wasted my money on. i'm pretty sure sledge was out then and wasn't making any more. wish i could have gotten some, but that's life!
nope hes all done hes working on 4oht cyp which is very similar to clostebol its already active test and doesnt convert to dht or estro.
dry gains
that sounds pretty sweet. you got a link to his site?
designersupps.com he wont have the 4oht cyp in for a few weeks though And just to let you in on something he is working on a product called superdrol which is better than even M1T.
How much 4ad cyp do you need to do, and is it ed or eod injections??
Also keep us posted on Superdrol.
since its a cyp twice a week would be good but its volumous. there is a 15-25% conversion rate so a good doseage would be 1500-2100mgs of 4ad cyp
I just got some of that stuff too...I'll let you know how it goes...
from what i heard it dosnt give u huge mass gains but it increases strength really well
1 test gives huge mass gains its effects are similar to a mild tren.
4 ad converts into testosterone at 15-25% rate. im currently doing 2100mgs a week and judging right now it feels somewhere around 300-400 mgs of test a week.
I Just Want To Know Why You People Still Bother With 4 Ad When Your Probably Better Off Just Injecting A Quarter Cc More Of 1 Test Or 4 Hydroxynandro Or 4hyrdoxytest If Your Going The Legal Ruite. I Just Dont Get It, Why Any One Would Buy 1ad 4ad Nor Ad Or Nor Diol Any Ad Even If Its Methlated It Aint Worth ****. Read A Medical Study That Said 50 Milligrams Of Most Tests Orally Everyday Just Barly Equals A Single 50 Millagram Injection. So Basically You Could Probably Eat 100 Mgs Of M1t A Day And Bomb Your Liver Or You Could Inject 100 Mgs Once A Week And You Probably Wouldnt Get Any Results But Just Shutting Down Your Natural Test Levels But They Would Be Equal.orals Suck There Only Good To Stack On A Base Drug At Atleast 400 Milligrams A Week Injection.so Basically Im Just Saying 50 Mgs Of Mit 4 Ad Aint Going To Do **** For You.the Mit Would Be And Extra Stacked On 400 Milligrams Of Test Or Deca Or 4 Hydroxydeca Or 4 Hydroxy Test
they are talking about 4ad cyp which is injected...
it makes it harder to read
Anyway the main reason is legality brotha. And your first post made no sense at all when your talking about orals. Of course 50mgs of anything oral or injectable still equals 50mgs injectables dont offer more mgs.The reason you methylate something is to have an instant active in your body. Esters are attached to slow the release in your body.
Some people cant source real roids or do not want to take the risk. 4 hydroxy nandrolone has a huge ester on it and many many mgs would be needed to get the full benefit of injecting. Plus not a lot of companies have made sterile solutions of this product. 4 OHT is alright but since there is no aromatization still provides for minimal mass gains and more hardness. No one should take 100mgs a day of M1T ever!!!
Whats your experiences with M1T?? you sound pretty ignorant on the vast vast majority of all of your statements bro.
Read A Medical Study That Said 50 Milligrams Of Most Tests Orally Everyday Just Barly Equals A Single 50 Millagram Injection. So Basically You Could Probably Eat 100 Mgs Of M1t A Day And Bomb Your Liver Or You Could Inject 100 Mgs Once A Week And You Probably Wouldnt Get Any Results But Just Shutting Down Your Natural Test Levels But They Would Be Equal.orals Suck There Only Good To Stack On A Base Drug At Atleast 400 Milligrams A Week injection.
I Really think you should start researching illegal AAS before you give this kind of(sound) advice.
it would be crazy if i was making it up.It was in muscle and development and they only use medical refs and studys .the study said ,say your taking d-bol witch is methlated at 50mgs a day,everyday.so thats 350 mgs a week would be as effictive as injecting 50 millagrams of test a week once.but what im saying about the vpx 4-ad injectable is whats there dose for ml .250mgs 4ad for on ml ,**** so to get 2500mgs of 4ad to get converted to maybe 2-300 mgs test, you got to inject a lot of oil sounds like a absess waiting to happen .what 3ccs in each butt check 3ccs in each leg,and the 3ccs in each delt for just to have all that convert to maybee 250 mgs of test thats nuts.plus the said there stacking it with a 1test injectable **** how much oil is that, most 1 test injectables is at 50mgs or a hundred. I have used t-400 and had great gains then my friend moved ,so i tried m1t and methl d I used 50 mgs m1t and 20 mgs methl d a day the only thing i would say is it made my muscles a little bit fuller.basically im saying most orals alone wont do nothing for you except shut down your natural test levels.4little gains.just started a cycle 3 ml 4-hydroxynandro and 1 cc burn free 1 test every 3 days from hmgear.com.thats 600mgs hydroxy deca and a 100mgs 1 test a week . put on 6 pounds of muscle and drop 1 percent in my body fat not bad for a legal product eh in 3 1/2 weeks. your just clowning these poeple like most people selling 4 ad alone the will do nothing for you except mabay give you a absess from all that oil each week for what it to convert to 2- 300mgs of test. they say in must studys ,steriods barley activate the satalite cells for growth at 300mgs or lower. 600 and up you will get some activity your just better off staying natural then runningall that crap the one test injectable i would say is great. m1t is great if stacked with a nice base drug legal or other wise.what im saying is try it out but dont expect to wake up the hulk on 4 ad any time soon.your better off staying natural if you dont want to play on the dark side or are scared of needles< +++just a crazy retards point of veiw not saying to listen just sharing what i have read .and what results i have had with prohormones.i would just inject 300 mgs one test with mabee some methl d to stir it up or m1t . just one retards views on 4ad. evrthings worth a try you never know mabee ronnie colmans secret is he hooks up a iv of 4 ad thats why he is so big hbahabahhahahahaa
The statement about 350mgs dbol being effective as 50mgs testosterone is just plain wrong according to the vida tables they show that dbol mg for mg more anabolic then methyl test which is more anabolic then regular test.And yesy I agree that the 4ad cyp doesnt work that well as a test but it still does work to some extent!!! And I am a firm believer that test should be included in all cycles cut or bulk. It can be volumous but as long as you take the proper precaustions then you shouldnt have to worry about an abcess.
By the way the average standard for 1 test cyp is 600-800mgs per week mine is at 200MG/ML.
I also have the 4ohn from hmgear but looking closer I noticed that they do not even use BA as a solvent they use ethyl alcohol which is a poor alcohol to use. I friend was pinning it and had bad reactions to the ethyl alcohol (headaches,fever,lethargy) for a few days post injection.
I am also very shocked that you have used 50mg M1T. You sound like one of those very few people who do not respond well at all to chemicals. I get huge muscle gains as well at just 10mgs a day for 30 days. If I go higher then I just notice the bad side effects.
How long did you run methyl D at that dose and how did you like it?
The First Week Of Mit And Methl D You Feel Like **** ,sore Stomach ,head Ach ,lathargic, Then It Went Away I Just Got Used To It.i Went For Three Months On That Orals Cycle.i Felt A Little Fuller And I Eat A Lot And I Eat Like A Beast And I Did Not Put On Any Fat Witch Was Good, Im Just Saying A Lite Cycle Like That Of Say 10 Or 20 Mgs Of Orals Would Be Good During A Diet To Prevent Muscle Loss. But Like You Said We Are All Different .see You Took, What 10mgs A Day Of M1t And Said You Had Great Gains , Cuz If You Took 10 Mgs A Day Of D-bol Or Anadrol You Probabaly Would Not See Much Effect And I Dont Think M1t Is As Strong As D-bol Or Anadrol.and Most Run Anadrol At 50 To 75mgs And D-bol At 20 Or 40 To 60 Mgs A Day. Stacked On Like 600 Or Mgs Deca Or Test Of Somekind .but Your Right. I Dont React To Well To Just A Oral Cycle .but With A Injection I Do Just Great ,thats Why I Am Saying The Orals Just Suck Alone .but I Think They Would Be More Effictive Alone During Say A Cut Cycle.to Help Keep Your Muscle While Dieting And Methl D Aint Going To Do **** At Freaking ,what Do They Say 1 -3 Tabs A Day 8 Mgs .dont Know Of One Illagal Anabolic At That Dose That Gives Rusults. If You Guys Know Of One Anabolic A 10 Mgs That Will Give You Gains Pleeze Tell Me I Want Some.but I Think The New Mohn Oxaver And Other Methl Nandroline Products Might Be Great, Like Mit To Stack With A Base Drug .to Really Mix Things Up.but Like I Said Last Time .this Is Just One Retards Thoughts. Mabee Your Just Loaded With Androgen Recipterz And Your System Just Soaks That Sheet Up. Have Not Had Any Bad Effects With The Hmgear At All .just The Burn Free Test Alone Will Burn Like A Mother Fukker Thats Is Why I Mix 1cc With 3 Ccs Of There Nandro Oh Then I Dont Get The Freaking Crazy Swelling From The 1test. The First Time I Injected 4 Ccs. 2 Times A Week Could Beraly Flex The Muscles That I Injected ,i Could Not Train They Hurt So Bad .but The Swelling From The One Test Feels Like You Got A Infection. But When The One Test Is Mixed With Something Else It Does Not Burn At All.i Dont Know Why Mabee It Helps Suspend It In More Solution.so When You Inject It Does Not Crash And Seperate And Burn The **** Out Of You
WOW 3 months on orals man that is severly dangerous for liver function man you should deffanatley get a blood test to see how your liver and cholesterol are man M1T screws your cholesterol up really really bad andd in the long run that is bad for your heart man!!!
M1T is the 5alpha reduced version of DBOL same base compound!
My Mother Has Hepitidis So I Learned From Her A Long Time Ago That Milk Thisle Really Helps . I Had A Blood Test Right After The Cycle My Liver Test Was Just Slightly High ,but Nothin To Worry About .milk Thisle Works Really Well The Only Bad Thing On My Blood Test After My Cycle Was My Free Testosterone Levels They Were None Exsistint.my Regular Test And Estrogen Levels Were Normal But My Free Test Was Really Bad Shbg Most Have Been Really High Binding What Test I Had After My Cycle.so I Eat 60x0 For A Month Or 2 After Plus A Cycle Of Aromabaolan To Attack The Shbg To Free Up My Test Levels.i Dont Really Think 50 Mgs Of Methlated Hormones Is To Unusual Most Mass Cycles I Read In Books And See On Inter Net I See Are Usaully Say>6oomgs Test Evryweek Plus 40 To 60 Mgs D-bol Or 1anadrol 50 Or Anadrol 75 A Day And They Are Methlated Steriods Dont See Why M1t Would Be Stronger If Not Equile Thats Why I Dont See Why The Dosing Should Be Diffrent
M1T is 900-1600% times more anabolic then methyl test(standard messurement)
Yes it is more anabolic then anadrol and dbol on paper but everyone is different and acts differently according to chems reaction.
That is the only reason why M1T has such a low doseing because it doesnt need high mg dosing to acheive the same anabolic rate.
All methylated compounds are different from each other in terms of toxicity to the liver. Look at anavar compared to halo Huge Huge difference.
M1T is in the Halo category because it is horrible to cholesterol and liver enzymes. I have talked to guys that went jaundice on 50 mgs M1T before.
But the worst thing about M1T is again the negative effects on blood lipids.
It severly lowers good cholesterol which is extremely unhealthy for heart arteries in the long run. May not be a bad in the immediate but later in life I really dont want to have any heart problems due to weak arterial walls.
I do agree that oral only cycles can be tricky and prefer to stack an injectable in the mix to solidify the gains made. But M1T cycles gain be maintained as well as any oral only cycle it just takes alot more commitment post cycle to ensure those gains are kept.
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