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Thread: Question about Alternative to 4AD when stacking with M1T

  1. #1

    Question about Alternative to 4AD when stacking with M1T

    Im in the process of starting my cycle next week, the only problem Im having is i cant find anyone that sells 4AD. Just wondering if there any alternatives out there for me? i really wanted to take the m1t and 4ad together but have no way of getting it.

    What would be a good alternative to 4AD if any?

  2. #2
    bulk nutrition sells 4ad, there are plenty of places on the net that sell 4ad but bulk sells 4derm which is a good transdermal 4ad.

  3. #3
    I live in canada and its very tough to get it here I wanna start my cycle on monday, didnt think it would be that hard to get it, all the cdn under the counter guys dont have any left. All they have is 1ad.

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