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Thread: Lipo 6 . . .

  1. #1

    Lipo 6 . . .

    any here try that LIPO 6, is it any good??

  2. #2
    I tried it and a weird thing happened, after being on it for say 2 weeks or so I went to go take a piss and it was like that little liquid in the Lipo 6 cap came out and was really joke never ever did that sort of thing happen to me. I stopped the Lipo 6 and it never happened again so i stood clear of it. Now don't get me wrong it didn't happen everytime I took a piss just on occassion but it happened. I stuck with Hydroxy cut semed to work fine for me burn fat and keep muscle.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    east coast
    Quote Originally Posted by ynggun21
    I went to go take a piss and it was like that little liquid in the Lipo 6 cap came out and was really sticky...
    What? Came out of where? Could you explain a little more?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Do yoga not steroids!!!
    I used the kind with epheda alkoloids. It's definetly worth your money IMO.

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