Just wondering if anyone has heard of a British company called Maximuscle? Any info would be apprechiated.
Just wondering if anyone has heard of a British company called Maximuscle? Any info would be apprechiated.
yes know quite a bit what do you want to know
have you visited their website http://www.maximuscle.com it has all the info on there IMO their products are good but very over priced!
Ms Figure
I Know quite a bit my self. Really just wanted to gauge opinion from you guys. Effectiveness, Price , Results etc. Also just boughht some AST vp2 and vyo pro. AST not that well known in the uk any opinions on them as a company would be apprechiated.
I know of this company pretty well as I,m on their mailing list and have used their supplements before.Personally I think they are no better than anyone else just have more money to throw at advertising.Some of their products can be expensive but they do have a lot of 3 for 2 offers which can reduce the price greatly
seriosly this company chats the most amount of shit ever.
i see nothing special about there products. ive used them and there not all that.
AST VP2 is about 10X better then there protien(but they claim theres is the best) they have spent more money on advertising then on research.
Don't confuse them with the US company MAX MUSCLE... very close names...
Max Muscle products are great, and cheaper than most other's when comparing apples to apples... if ya know what I mean.
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