i was taking a shake four times aday. i have stopped doing that now and was wondering if once a day would be plenty. like right after i lift.
i was taking a shake four times aday. i have stopped doing that now and was wondering if once a day would be plenty. like right after i lift.
That depends on the amount of protein your getting from other sources.
And for PWO, you want dex/prote, 2:1 ratio, for example 100 g dex with 50 g protein.
u need atleast or not more than 1 gram of protein for every lb of your body weight ................... that is if u r looking to gain mass , if not then u can take half of that to sustain your muscles at present !Originally Posted by jeffsz28
well i weigh 161lbs so one scoop claims 31.9grams of protein. when i was taking four scoops a day for acouple months i didn't motice anything but i swear it did something to my kidneys when i piss. blood test came back fine.
i think the 'it did something to my kidneys' bit was placebo
once a day, after you lift, would be 'plenty' depending on your current protein intake..and your goals
what do you mean by placebo?
1. A substance containing no medication and prescribed or given to reinforce a patient's expectation to get well.
2. An inactive substance or preparation used as a control in an experiment or test to determine the effectiveness of a medicinal drug.
2. Something of no intrinsic remedial value that is used to appease or reassure another.
Basically your mind tricked you into believeing something was taking place when it wasent
not to be gross or anything but. not sure if a cycle caused this or taking so many shakes a day for months. but right after i pee i have alittle drips that still drip out of my @ick. thats why my doc checked my blood and said liver/kidneys were fine. not sure why i have this problem within the past couple months- like 6months...
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