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Thread: Glutamine, the BIGGEST scam ,or Not?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2004

    Glutamine, the BIGGEST scam ,or Not?

    How many studies like this have to come out before you people stop wasting your money?

    The purpose was to determine if glutamine supplementation would prevent a loss of lean mass in athletes during a 12-day weight reduction program. It was hypothesized that supplementation would spare lean body mass. Subjects (n=1 exercised and dieted to create a 4186kJ·day-1 energy deficit and a 8372 kJ·day-1 energy deficit on days 1-5, days 6-12, respectively. The glutamine (GLN) group (n=9) ingested 0.35 g·kg-1 body mass of glutamine while a placebo was administered to the remaining subjects. Body mass (BM), lean body mass (LBM) and fat mass (FM), were measured at days 0, 6, and 12. GLN and placebo groups both lost significant amounts of BM, LBM and FM. There were no significant differences between groups. The findings indicate little benefit for retention of lean mass with supplementation of glutamine during a short-term weight reduction program.

    Glutamine supplementation did not benefit athletes during short-term
    weight reduction
    Kevin, J. Finn, Robin Lund and Mona Rosene-Treadwell

    The guy that posted this has a PHD in Biochemistry and graduated with honers, also a pro natural bodybuilder and is sponserd by a supplement company that sells L- glutamine. yet behind their backs he talls the truth.

    This is one of many studies showing that Glutamine does nothing the supplement companyes say it does. its good for gut health, are you willing to spend good money just for that?

    I'm not here to spread the word as though its Gospel Truth. I posted it to atleast let you see another side of the story and let you decide.

    Have your say

    Last edited by Anabolica; 04-04-2005 at 07:08 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    I get it free, so I guess I am not "you people".

    I like to include it, most certainly doesn't hurt.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    That cool bro, besides i didn't write it

    I do believe it though as i have read all the facts and real(non spplememnt company owned or hired labs) reports and studies.

    heck there are plenty of supps out there that do not do what the company's say they do but they are not going to tell you that.

    I have nothing to gain from this, just trying to save everyone some chash so they can spend it on supps that really work.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    IMO isnt glutamine mainly used to recovering your muscles after a workout not so much increasing lean muscle mass. If so im not doubting the study but I would like to see more then one guys opinion that is in the same educational field as him

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Yeah bro, there are tons of studies on glutamine and the benefits of it's supplementation. There are also studies which conclude it doesn't do much. So there are stories for both sides, but I like to use it for myriad of health reasons, not just the one. I also don't get caught up on studies too much, as I've seen studies say one thing only to have real world application tell an entirely different story.


  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Mental Institution
    I've read the conflicting studies. However, I have always used it and.....If it isn't broke, don't fix it.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Some people swear by it, but it didnt do jack for me. I have seen plenty of studies for both sides. My real world experience is that it is not worth it, for me.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    This seems a never ending discussion. So many for and so many against it. Based in personal experience, it works for me with recovery,soreness and boosting my immunity. I agree fully with Swole on taking glutamine for its numerous other health benefits If Im wrong,isnt it said a few times that glutamine be kept on the shelf next to the Vit C.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    good posts guys,

    Like i said i was just opening the door to some of the facts and leave the rest up to you up to you .

    If you like it,then use it.


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Few years ago, when I was cutting,I used to train 2x a day , 4-5 days a week . Weights in the afternoon and at nights cardio.. Took gluatmine 10-15 gms /day and I reckon, that kept me going at that pace!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    On the topic of glutamine, has anyone used the PureForm (500 gms) Glutamine????????The price was right and the quality seemed reputable. I know ProLab ( Buy 300 gms get 100 gms free) one is pretty popular but this one supposedly is good ,pharamaceutical grade and IMO, pure glutamine is glutamine.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Ontario, Canada
    Glutamine's worked for me. To what extent I can't say, but it certainly can't hurt to include it like SC said

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Ok, so anyone with the PureForm glutamine? Yeah or Nay?

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Whatever the answer is it sure as hell tastes like ****

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    Philly - Better than you
    I use it PWO and before bed. Kind of placebo now. I would be paranoid if I didn't take it, like I was missing out on something.

  16. #16
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    SplinterCell, I second that!

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Good especially if doing HIIT cardio .. Glutamine doesnt taste gross at all..odourless tasteless powder.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    It does have a nasty tast. It's salty

  19. #19
    you all should try Glutamine Peptides

    allsports will probably have it

    but for now it can be seen here:

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Just suck it up and gulp it down ... Still no one has answered my question on PureForm glutamine .

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Paullusion
    It does have a nasty tast. It's salty
    Yea, it's odorless but it has a nasty ass after taste....but 1000 grams for 19.99? Eh....not too bad on the pricing

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    i put some in my protein from trueprotein, im not sure what the hell it is but im getting a drymouthish aftertaste kinda thing, plus there is a few tiny white clumps that rise to the top.

  23. #23
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    Feb 2005
    Yep the pricing isnt so bad.. I tasted worse stuff than glutamine. 19.99 for 500 gms i think.. Higher Power, the brand on has I think 1000 gms and if Im wrong, I belive glutamine IS glutamine and one doesnt have to worry too much about the quality being sub standard.. PureForm says its pharmaceutical so I may stick with it.. Again the ProLab one is buy 300 gms get 100 free. So give the Pureform a try Splinter and let me know . After all, its one of their best selling .

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by BULKING_N
    Yep the pricing isnt so bad.. I tasted worse stuff than glutamine. 19.99 for 500 gms i think.. Higher Power, the brand on has I think 1000 gms and if Im wrong, I belive glutamine IS glutamine and one doesnt have to worry too much about the quality being sub standard.. PureForm says its pharmaceutical so I may stick with it.. Again the ProLab one is buy 300 gms get 100 free. So give the Pureform a try Splinter and let me know . After all, its one of their best selling .
    Defintly, ill try that out

  25. #25
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    Feb 2005
    I dont think you will be disappointed.. A bottle of it lasted me, what? over 2 months.

  26. #26
    Join Date
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    I ask that other members keep this thread alive

  27. #27
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    I have never seen any research showing glutamine useful in retaining muscle mass for those in resistance-training. The only group I have seen it have an effect on our people who were incredibly ill. They think now that the amount of trauma, for lack of a better word, must be far greater than a resistance training workout on the body for it to have any significant effect. It might work in really long marathons or something like that. I talked to a doctoral student in kinesiology about it and he told me that it has been pretty well-established that it does nothing in resistance training results, but it still has true believers just like the death penalty. It is theoretically logical and rational, but it doesn't live up to the hypothesized effects. I have about 500 grams of mine left, I'll probably just toss it in the garbage when I move. I don't even bother taking it anymore.

  28. #28


    Glutamine Peptides ( Ener-G) taste very earthy

    the L-form is tasteless or tastes kinda chemically if gotten form some sources

    the point it that the L-form ( the popular kind)

    is an ISOLATED amino acid not "protected" chemically speaking thus most of it is terminated in the GUT do to PH changes

    the Peptides anecdotally have yielded tremenodous results

    but as I said they taste like sh!!t

    just blend ther EnerG with your favorit protein powder

    they actually don't taste bad just earthy

  29. #29
    Join Date
    May 2002
    glutamine does nothing for me, I have kept daily logs and side notes on how I am feeling, and while taking glutamine have felt the same the next day. I also strongly believe that for alot of bro's it is mental, Like LOZ said he would feel weird if he did not take it, I bet you if you replaced it with something else he would never know. Its like a newbie saying he feels stronger after his first shot of enth. Who me its a scam...

  30. #30
    IronReload04's Avatar
    IronReload04 is offline "Rancid Protein Powder Mastermind Technician"
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    everywhere and nowhere
    i supplemented with glutamine. in about 3-4 weeks, i lost 20 pounds, at the end of that 4 weeks, my bench, squat, and deadlift was stronger, and i am benching in the mid 300's. maybe glutamine aided me, maybe it didnt. like swole said, it doesnt hurt. i have been using it for about 1-2 years.

    i have recently adjusted my protein intake to now 420-a little over that a day, i drink my green tea, take my glutamine, and continue to make strength gains and look leaner.

    also, that was about 4-5 months ago that i lost 20 pounds of fat
    Last edited by IronReload04; 04-14-2005 at 08:03 PM.

  31. #31
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    The DOJO
    Instead of using your $ on glutamine, use it buying some antioxidants.

    That stuff is actually worth the money!

  32. #32
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Grape Seed Extract Is One Of The Best And An Overall Excellent Supplement.

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