i want to go from 170 lbs to 200 lbs but i want it to be muscle that way my body will get used to it. which steriod is the best for actuall stregnth and muscle build. i will be lifting every other day and boxing everyday.
i want to go from 170 lbs to 200 lbs but i want it to be muscle that way my body will get used to it. which steriod is the best for actuall stregnth and muscle build. i will be lifting every other day and boxing everyday.
i would say check here
then go from there, remember that your DIET is the key to how you look and how much muscle you put on. The "steroid" does not matter as much as people whom are not into this sport think, your diet and training are #1. I would say just get your diet and training with weights in tune and you will be able to get to 200 without any "steroids"
my .02
Can't go wrong with testosterone for adding muscle.
i fight at 165 but i want to gain the muscle and weigh around 200lbs, so when i'm pro i'll be used to it, thats why i want to start the weight lifting i'm to boney but the steriod will fasten it up right. thanks
tren is very popular but testshould be the main ingredeant in every cycle if u ask me but I dont do either so I no as mugh as u
dont you mean clen
I definetly don't think you should use steroids at this point, if you're just starting a lifting routine, I also get the impresion that you are fairly young...
Just workout hard and be consistent, good diet, and you should be able to pack on muscle w/o steroids farely quickly at this point...
The general concensus is that for steroids to be taken effectively, you have to have a great deal of lifting experience under your belt.... otherwise it won't make that much of a difference, and you're only hurting youself in the long run...
yea i'm turning 18 in 3weeks but i wanted something that would help me get the muscle quicker then go natural and get ajusted to the weight and then after a few more fights sign for pro.(next year). but i know it'll take like 6 weeks to gain 20lbs of muscle right since i dont have any right now and it should load up quick, then chill and be natural after my walk around weight is around 200, and i'm stronger
Get a good diet with good pwo and before-bedtime nutrition. Don't use steroids at your age.
Bro u need to do TONS of research before u post...
What do you need steroids for at 18? Your testosterone levels should be through the roof. Just focus on diet, sleep and training. Forget about the idea of going from 170 to 200 in a matter of weeks, at least if you want it to be clean, dry muscle.
I would say unless your frame is meant for lots of muscle completely avoid it for boxing, i would work on speed development with strength aggression techniques. If you cant move it, its not worth anything.
I agree. You should work on your hand speed and punching power, rather than increasing your weight. Why do you want to move up in weight? The heavier boxers are generally the boxers that punch harder and have more KO's. Check out the boxer/MMA fighters forum.
Bigger does not always mean better
i wanted to increase my wieght that way i could get use to it before i turn pro next year because thje heavyweights are the moneymakers but i think i'm going to wieght on steriods until i read more and just do it naturally and by eating major protein. plus heavyweights have no skill and i wanted to put the skill back in it, cause right now its pretty empty only ones i like are toney, jones jr, lewis.
reading your posts doesn't lead me to believe you know much about proper training for boxing in the gym or outside of it.Originally Posted by boxinggsxr
You wanna go pro in the heavyweight division? They don't have any skill? Keep telling yourself that and see how that works out for you. Your young, stick with your weight and slowly increase your weight naturally.
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