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Thread: Ripped Fuel Counter Productive to Lean Gains?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Lexington, KY (USA)

    Ripped Fuel Counter Productive to Lean Gains?

    Alright, to get straight to the point I have a little excess BF hanging on my lower abbs I picked up from a test cycle I ran a while back. It's nothing major, certainly doesn't seem to be getting any worse, but on the same token it wont go away. My goal is certainly still to gain, I am nowhere near my target wait. But I figure what the hell, I will pick up some ripped fuel the extra energy throughout the day would be nice anyway as I stay dead tired. Given that it doesn't seem to be effecting my eating paterns any, is this going to effect any quality gains I would normally see?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Cut or bulk...those are your two options, choose one because if you try to do both youll fail. It seems as if your still eating to gain mass and hit that weight, hate to break it to you but if you wana lose those love handels you have to start cutting which will probally yeild a decrease in body weight...You could continue to bulk, hit your weight and then cut or you could cut untill the handels are gone and try to clean bulk...The ripped fuel may give you extra energy but I doubt it would shed the fat, just my .02 cents I say save your money.

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