just wanted to no if ne here has ever used this product and if they had good gains with it or not.also does ne no if this sfuff is sold in canada i could only find it on 1 us website.thanks
just wanted to no if ne here has ever used this product and if they had good gains with it or not.also does ne no if this sfuff is sold in canada i could only find it on 1 us website.thanks
Last edited by bruin; 04-11-2005 at 07:49 AM.
That is pre-capped isnt it? I would definently recommend capping it or buying pre-capped CEE because it is the worst tasting supplement I have every tasted (still havent tried trib powder tho)
Yes, scotts finest is one of the better quality CEE products
I've got to try this stuff after my current AST micronized creatine jug is done
thank guys i order some from the af store 35$ for 240 caps
You could buy a kilo of powder for that price
i agree but as far as cee goes this stuff is supposed to be the best of the best
What makes it any different from any other CEE
i am not an expert by any means but i did do alot of reading up on it and some ppl say that other cee or not as pure as they say
That was in regard to Higher Power CEE, they had an issue.
I just don't see why someone would pay 35 bucks for roughly 150g when they can buy 100g of powder for 6 bucks or a kilo for the same price, 35.99
So a guy that sells CEE says others are impure?
Yes, it is what you are saying. Macro is connected to AF, AF sells Scott's finest. Bad mouthing other CEE in theory would in theory lead to more sales of their brand. AF also says everybody's R-ala is bad, except theirs of course
I heard this from one of the AF guys1fast I said I heard a rumor, I did not say it was the case
It isn't a rumor if someone that is involved with the company is bad mouthing with no proof. I could say your products are crap because I don't sell them. I would have no proof, but simply because I said it. Consumers shouldn't listen to info like that as it has no backing. To me, that isn't a rumor. A rumor needs to come from someone else other than the one's involved. That or they need some proof of their claims. I've made claims about other companies products, but backed it up with label testing.
firstly there were no specific statements regarding any companies CEE, with the exception of HP whose own test showed their material to be 30%. WIth respect to the materials coming out of china, they have not tested well. One out of 3 suppliers met their claim. Additionally materials tested within china have indicated that a large percentage of manufacturers are selling low grade or erroneously labeled CEE.
if you want an accurate test, the only company in the US that has a verifiable test is chromadex.
first of all i didn't buy powder because it taste like sh**. and i don't want the bother of capping it.so when i compared scotts finest to an other capped product his is what i noticed .the other brand 26$ 120 caps 8g recommended a day scotts finest 35$ 240 caps and i only need to use about 3g a day so do the math.to me its not all about the money but what I THINK is the better product.
Last edited by bruin; 04-11-2005 at 06:30 PM.
You can just parachute the pure CEE (powder). Take the amount you need and wrap it up in a little tissue, wrap it, and gulp! No caps, no hassle, no takst, no waste of money..I do that with my ceffeine powder.Originally Posted by bruin
That is a really good idea if it works, I used to do that with rec drugs when I was into that ****.Originally Posted by TommyTrainR
Let me correct my self... that is a bad idea, I tried it, and 5 grams of CEE wrapped in a kleenex is way too big to swallow. I just bought a capping machineOriginally Posted by EcToMoRpHiAn
this is a misrepresentation. Glucorell is the only properly tested R+ lipoic acid, it is tested by NMR. Since its not possible to test by HPLC, contrary to claims, at least with any existing methodology.Originally Posted by 1Fast400
as a note- there are certainly companies passing of racemate as pure R. There are also companies selling R "heavy" material (80%) made via extraction as opposed to direct synthesis. Very likely most of these companies are unaware of it.
So you say, Mr. AF rep. The company you contract with is the ONLY company that does anything correctly.
so says the Journal of Chirality as well as every reputable lab.Originally Posted by 1Fast400
I already went to court with you guys on this once, I'm not doing it again. I'm dropping out of this thread
so how much cee a day? and on an empty/full stomach?
bump, anyone know this? w/ dextrose w/o??
I'm not quite sure but i think i read somewhere that it's 10 grams a day is what ur suppose to take. As far as empty/full stomach goes... i'm not sure. but i've been experimenting a bit with taking it on an empty stomach to see how the morning workouts come along. I'll let ya know.Originally Posted by diesel21
dam, 10 grams a day? i'm taking like 6 pills a day 700mg each
well then i'm sure i'm way off... of course... ha ha
we'll see what the others say...
Originally Posted by diesel21
that is actually high end dosing for PureCEE
Originally Posted by diesel21
i def wouldnt start with 10 g ED stick with the dose you are currently using. people take 10g ED of monohydrate not Ethyl Ester. you dont need that much. and as far as the dex is concerned-it is not necessary due to the ester attached to slow absorption
you have a link for this stuff?? also let me know how well it works
so far i think its been working pretty well.... my arms have grown maybe half inch to 17.5 inches(in a month, i did switch my routine up also though).... as far as strength, i can never tell, cause it never has been a real problem for me... i do get sick pumps though....
yes, this is the only thing i'm taking....
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