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Thread: superdrol -m1t,4ad-superdrol

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    superdrol -m1t,4ad-superdrol

    this is what I thought I might do for my next cycles.
    21 days of superdrol 20mgs per day-- 20 nova\
    wait three weeks pct
    then do 14 days m1t, 4ad ---20mgs m1t 1200mgs 4ad 20mgs nova
    wait two weeks pct
    then do 24 days superdrol again followed by pct nova clomid
    I will be doing nova the whole time I would imagine
    I am 39yrs old 5'9 220 14% bf
    the main reason I am doing this is because I am trying to get rid of my older supply of prohormones and start doing AAS in the future...
    So my question is does it make any sence to do a cycle like this
    I know from experience I will gain several lbs.. just looking for some advice I guess

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Tropical England
    why such short cycles and is that all the m1t you have?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    I got more m1t but I dont have anymore 4ad so I thought I would use it all at once

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    id go 10mg m1t and 600mg 4ad for 4 weeks then run the superdrol
    3omg for 3-4 weeks its so dry it sould pull the water weight from the m1t and 4-ad plus harden you up

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Devil, you do have a point. something to consider. I was planning on starting june 1st
    I would like to all done and ready for some test e d-bol by november

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by DevilsDeity
    id go 10mg m1t and 600mg 4ad for 4 weeks then run the superdrol
    3omg for 3-4 weeks its so dry it sould pull the water weight from the m1t and 4-ad plus harden you up
    i would follow this but instead of starting the sd @ 30mg ED i would start at 20 and see how you react-some people dont require 30.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    I am going to advise against this one bro You can run this but I would really break it up a lot more than that.

    As more and more bloodwork comes back SD is not that mild as once thought it wont be such a good idea to use it as it will mess up your lipid profile somewhat.

    Then you will be using M1T which will wreak havoc on your lipids and once there already bellow accaeptable levels then youll smash them into the ground with the M1T

    I say run the SD cycle at 20-30mg for 4 weeks.

    Run PCT and after pct is done wait 3-4 more weeks
    then run the M1T. This will give your body enough time to normalize its lipid panel and your liver a break to get back to normal.
    And doing nolva the whole time will help slightly with your lipid panel. Take Red Yeast Rice at 1200mg during the cycle and pct it will also help your lipids.

    If you dcide to do this the way you layed it out then PLEASE do bloodwork after each cycle to see where your body is at. You could do harsh damage to your body if you dont. Plus if you have insurance it should only be around 30 bucks. If you dont have insurance then I can hook you up with an online website that does it for around 34 bucks.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    man bryon I did hear about s.d. blood test comming back kind of screwie... I f you read this again shoot me that website link for the blood test... or maybe I should go with the test-e/ d-bol. the reason I am not doing it now is I am afraid of a random drug test..

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2004

    get your test levels checked your LDL and HDL cholesterol levels checked and get your ALT/AST liver values checked they offer package deals and im sure you can run a search on the net to find lower prices than these even.

    If you wanna run the Sd then you will love it but you just should remember to take adequate time off and not be so ancy to pack on as much mass and use as many compounds as you can to do it.

    The SD will be more than enough alone to bulk with.

    If you add an aromatising compound then it will make it that much better.

    The M1T is Trash IMO horrible dirty steroid only reason it survived is its results.

    But you should use an SD alone cycle and then or an SD and 4AD cycle

    And after time off think about the M1T cycle if you even want to touch that **** again after the results you will see from SD!!! minus all the crappy sides

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    thanks bro!! for the info

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Scottsdale, AZ
    from what I was reading, the SD seems to offer less results than the M1t. Is this not true? I know that the sides are significantly less though...

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    The Great State of Texas
    Quote Originally Posted by EcToMoRpHiAn
    from what I was reading, the SD seems to offer less results than the M1t. Is this not true? I know that the sides are significantly less though...

    Yeah but superdrol puts on more dry muscle and less fat. (more quality muscle). And it doesnt shut you down as hard.

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