Hey guys,
Just wanted your opinion on the use of "legal" alternatives to steroids like DERMA-GAIN. Have any of you guys used it? Waste of time and money?
Hey guys,
Just wanted your opinion on the use of "legal" alternatives to steroids like DERMA-GAIN. Have any of you guys used it? Waste of time and money?
90% of the guys on here will tell you to stay away from it. I use to sell it and I saw great results with it though. It won't be as powerful as steroids, but you will gain strength and some size.
I'm one of the 90%, although I respect your opinion. Whatever works!
Used it, in fact I used the threesome stack that was supposed to mimic "sane steroid use" results. Yeah not worth the money! Don't waste your money. But I'd sure like to know if anyone else had good results!
I used the equ-bolan, derma gain and maxatron stack,, ok,, but shit compared to the real deal!!!
I used the Dermagain Equibolan and Maxteron stack. I gained about 8lbs and lost a noticable amount of bf. My results with this are what encouraged me to try the harder stuff.
Good supp if you don't want to do gear, but all those kinds of supp are way to expesive
Yeah I took the stack eqibolan,dermagain and maxteron. I noticed that the eq blew me up like a fat ass but I was supposed to take the maxteron afterwards to cut up but I kept forgetting about it and put on about 2% body fat. I did notice gains in muscle but didn't get the full rip from the maxteron because I didn't take it. Still have it as a matter of fact. But I am back down to my normal body weight and I did notice pretty big muscle gains. I also gained about 10 pounds in 6 weeks. Never juiced (yet) so I can't compare it to the real but if I were you to try it and you don't see gains i guess you can say you learned the hard way. Good luck
i made the mistake of using 2 stacks of equibolan, maxteron and dermagain. i gained 10 lbs, but i think it was mostly water. i lost 5 of it and continued to eat the same way. no strength gains, maybe mental. screw that crap...i'm going for the "stuff"
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