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Thread: hi guys my girlfriend bought some garcinia cambogia for fatloss is this anygood

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2001

    Angry hi guys my girlfriend bought some garcinia cambogia for fatloss is this anygood

    this is a long shot, she came with that last night garcinia cambogia says that the guy at the drugstore told here its good for fatloss.

    I think its total shit but if anyone knows about this product please help.

    I have heard of this thing.

    Just pisses me off when she buys things like that.

    The apple cider vinegar seem to work a little on here but i really dont know about that garcinia cambogia.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Sorry bro...I can't help...I've never heard of it. But I'm a little puzzled, she went on the advice of the guy at the drugstore? Was he even a pharmacist? Look, no flame edraven your obviously very interested in doing things the right way, but you've got to help her out with this. You've got a wealth of info at your fingertips, we've helped you out in the past and now that we have some very knowledgable ladies on the board she has all the information she could ever ask for as well. Here's a quick story about a pharmacist (married to my cousin) he informed me that one of the best ways to lose fat was neo-amphetamines (I think that's what he said). It's basically speed with out the addictive ingredient. He said it keeps you from eating and speeds up your metabolism. Now to me, that sounds a hell of lot more dangerous and un-healthy than anything we're doing here...bottom line...only listen to the people you trust.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Never heard of it either bro and searching for it just brought a load of crap up in French.Petes comments are valid bro get her on this site!!


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Are you refering to HCA? Fruit extract used for fatloss?


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2001

    Angry well to be honest she went behind my back and bought that shit

    yeah there is hca in there,,, and it was a pharmacist that told here its good for fatloss.

    She is going to see a dieticien now, i think its a great idea she is 5 feet tall and has been stuck at 133 pounds for a month now.

    The women she is going to see is a good dieticien she can follow here in here progress and bring here down to about 115 pounds.

    Its just that i hate it when i see here buying shit like that, i have search the net for that shit and found nothing myself.

    I bought here some xenedrine and the acv caps that seem to work real nice.

    Just pissed that she add to go spend 10$ on that shit that s all sorry

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    "Those that never make mistakes -never do a days work"

    We all make mistakes and the other way of looking at it is at least she is trying to lose weight and workout some would,nt even bother.Credit where credit is due bro - she has done well - be proud of her which I believe you are so sod it only $10 lost!!


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2001

    Thumbs up your so right billy boy thanks bro

    yeah she is trying hard and i am really pround of here

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    South Carolina
    Labled under the name Citrimax. Supposed to keep the body from storing sugar as fat when your blood sugar levels get whacked. Most recent studies show it to be bogus.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Hi there edraven ive heard of it but i dont think that it has much publicity!

    Personally you are right to be proud of her she has done it off her own back and i can understand that she took advice off someone in the healthstore because she would asume him to be competent!

    As Big Al says its HCA which means it inhibits lipogenesis, lowers the production of cholesterol and fatty acids, increases the production of glycogen in the liver, suppresses appetite, increases the body's production of heat by activating the process of thermogenesis. Potential dietary supplements for weight loss and appetite control.

    So it isnt a bad product but can be expensive Hydroxicut contains 1000mg of it per 4 caps but it also contains guarana (basically caffine) which would increase her energy levels for training and also chromium Picolinate to regulate the sugar levels! I know Hydroxicut isnt cheep but i feel that as a training aid in fat loss combined with good clean diet and program it is very good!
    Ms Figure

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2001

    why doesn't she just take

    clenbuterol?is she on the pill?i always see you on here askign abotu advice for your girl.i think it's great you are supportive of her and always lookign to help her out.whats' her diet like?you should post that and let us pick it apart.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Hay PartyboyNYC not a flame of you and i think you are right its great he helps his girlfriend but i think she should really try the other alternatives before turning to Clen, nothing against a Clen/ECA stack its a great combo but i think eds girlfriend is only just starting out and we should see how she gets on with a general ECA stack first, id save Clen/ECA for the more advanced!

    But good points PboyNYC if you want you post your g/friends diet or PM one of us im sure we can help! i think Strongchick gave you some info in another post!
    Ms Figure

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