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Thread: pre-workout/post workout supp's

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    New Albany,IN

    Question pre-workout/post workout supp's

    Somebody at my gym gave me this list....wanted to see what you guy's think

    eat pre-workout meal 2 1/2 hours before workout

    30 mins. before training

    1 serving of Vitargo CGL with 30 grams of whey protein
    6 grams of L-Arginine
    3 grams of Citrulline
    2 grams of Carnitine

    after training

    1/2 serving of Vitargo CGL with 30 grams of whey protein
    6 grams of L-Arginine
    3 grams of Citrulline
    2 grams of Carnitine

    eat post-workout meal 1 1/2 hrs after workout

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    east coast
    Quote Originally Posted by silvermaxd
    30 mins. before training

    1 serving of Vitargo CGL with 30 grams of whey protein
    6 grams of L-Arginine
    3 grams of Citrulline
    2 grams of Carnitine

    No need to take this much whey protein before working out. Some protein is good but this is too much IMO. Also the arginine and carnitine are not needed as your body can synthesize them on its own if it's deficient.
    after training

    1/2 serving of Vitargo CGL with 30 grams of whey protein
    6 grams of L-Arginine
    3 grams of Citrulline
    2 grams of Carnitine

    Depeding on your size and weight, you could go up for the protein and you definately need double the amount of dextrose as you have protein in your PWO shake. Again the arginine and carnitine IMO are not nedded.

    eat post-workout meal 1 1/2 hrs after workout
    Edit in bold.

  3. #3
    good to see somebody not subscribing to the commercial supplements theory.

    I say eat your meal closer to 1 hour before training. And assuming you have enough protein in that meal to satisfy your daily needs, you dont need a shake. Id drop everything but the Vitargo and citrullin malate, and add l-tyrosine, taurine, and a banana. You can also add 200mg caffeine if you want.

    Post-workout is fine, but again drop everything but the vitargo and citrulline malate. Add 1000mg vitamin C, 500mg NAC, 40-50g protein in a 1:2 ratio to a 50/50 maltodextrin/dextrose mix (which would be 40g protein/80g carbs, or 50/100...depending on what satifies your daily protein needs)

    I am assuming you are trying to put on size? If you are cutting I would drop the carbs to maybe a 1:1 ratio to protein.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    New Albany,IN
    I'm gonna try some of the Vitargo for sure...just ordered some...

    I am trying to cut some weight...right now my calories are 45% protein..30%fat...25% carbs.

    what I'm taking now

    note: Nutrex is loving me!

    what is citrullin malate for?

    thanks for the replies

    Last edited by silvermaxd; 05-23-2005 at 04:02 PM.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by silvermaxd
    what is citrullin malate for?
    youre the one that has it listed in the supps list

    heres what its for:

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    a meal 2.5 hours before training...shit i'm eating every 1.5-2 hours a day....that wouldnt work...lets just say my workout last 1 hour, that would mean i went 3.5 hours without eating a thing...i disagree here....
    i agree with the suareezay on the solid meal. and as far as post-workout meal. i have a 2:1 carbs-protein ration...mainly high glycemic carbs like dextrose or malto and 15-20 of glutamine

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    New Albany,IN
    [QUOTE=Suareezay2]youre the one that has it listed in the supps list

    no somebody "gave" me the list! I've never taken the crap

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