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Thread: SAN Tight & Ephadrine...Stacked

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2004

    SAN Tight & Ephadrine...Stacked

    I've been reading that a few people are making their own stack with the 2, I know it says dont combine but after reading that a number of people have I'm curious to know what the best way to stack this is. How many mg ephadrine would you recommend & should caffine b avoided or included for maximum results? Tight also says not to take more then once a day, I dont find it to give me much energy *or it gives a lil kick but doesnt last* Do U think its safe to dose 2 times a day with say 24 mg of ephadrine stacked in each dose? I have a pretty high tolerence for thermogenics and am looking for a good energy boost with maxium fat loss

    Advise is appreciated b4 I start this combo

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Girlie
    I've been reading that a few people are making their own stack with the 2, I know it says dont combine but after reading that a number of people have I'm curious to know what the best way to stack this is. How many mg ephadrine would you recommend & should caffine b avoided or included for maximum results? Tight also says not to take more then once a day, I dont find it to give me much energy *or it gives a lil kick but doesnt last* Do U think its safe to dose 2 times a day with say 24 mg of ephadrine stacked in each dose? I have a pretty high tolerence for thermogenics and am looking for a good energy boost with maxium fat loss

    Advise is appreciated b4 I start this combo
    I'm sorry, I can't answer your question.... but just wondering, is that you in your avator?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    yes its me

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    san's tight already has caffine in it.

    you should be fine to stack the 2 , it will basically be like an ECY


    i would start low and work up 1 tight and 1/2 dose ephadrine (15mg).

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    I did stack it today, took 16 mg ephadrine and 1 san tight..think I have a high tolerence for ephedrine but wont mess with the doses too much yet.. dont wanna sketch out or keal over

  6. #6
    That's what Im taking right now , 1 san tight and a 25mg ephedra. Just like someone said already its basically making your own ECY stack and theres nothing wrong with that. Seems to be working great for me! As far as knowing when you up the dosage, just play with it and your body will let you know what's ok and what's not gonna fly. Well hope that helped somewhat and good luck!


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    east coast
    Take it slow with the playing around with the doses. Trial and error is not the best way to go about figuring out whats ok and whats over the edge with this sort of stuff. Make sure to stay well hydrated and monitor your BP daily.

    Also remember your not the same size as most of the other members on this board, most of the members on here are alot heavier than you and thus need more of the compounds than you do.

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