wwould this be more effective than 6 weeks?
wwould this be more effective than 6 weeks?
your gonna hurt yourself bro
seriously research before you take anything!!!
it should NOT be run longer than 6 weeks 4 is already going to give you problems
Oral steroids are not the same as injectable steroids, oral steroids are hepatoxic.
This guy saying he is gonna run it 10 weeks probally got it off a website! I was it some where were it said run it 6 weeks for bulking and 10 for cutting. I'll try to find it again and make a link.
Superdrol is extremely toxic. It should never be run for longer than 4 weeks IMO.
I agree that it shouldn't be run for 10 weeks, thats just stupid. But I disagree with the comment claiming that SD is extremely toxic. It's actually one of the least toxic of the orals.Originally Posted by Incredible_bulk
see, i saw the same thing sigma was talking about. Was just asking to clear up these cataracts that are forming on my pupils from all these bullshit site.
What the hell is superdrol? Is that some kind of bull$hit prohormone! If not that must be something similar to AAS, but a molecule or two off. Not worth it in my book, but that my 2cents!
moosepellet...u say is it sum kinda BS prohormone, yeh-u shudnt do anadrol or dbol on its own but per say u did ud keep more gains from superdrol than the pair of them on a 4 week cycle.so it IS worth it in MY book.
OK so let me get this straight, you don't know what it is yet you say its not worth it...Originally Posted by Moosepellet
wtf's with that man?? "similar to AAS but a molecule or 2 off", right.
best not to make statements of things you don't know about.
Originally Posted by Moosepellet
quick Q? Masteron and Methasteron(Superdrol) are these anywhere near the same???
Somebody read the info at either designer supplements or at bulk nutrition...
Not really similar even though they claim it is. By changing the molecular structure of a compound, even by 1 or 2 molecules, you change the effects of the compound. Good examples of this are boldenone, equipoise (boldenone undecylenate) and dianabol (methyl-boldenone) all are chemically similar but vastly different in their effects...
I dont know if you have seen some of the HDL lowering it has caused at AM...toxic to the liver, not too much, but it will kill your blood lipid profile. Non aromatizing androgens tend to do this.Originally Posted by nsa
could you prevent your lipids values from droping to dangerously too low by eating a huge bushel of brocolli a day?
very much agreed with nsa... as far as running SD for longer than 4wks would be dumb also considering ur talking bout running it for 10 thats a no no bro u should run it for no more than 4wks 6 at very very tops thats if its ran at a very low dose then proper pct should follow this cycleOriginally Posted by nsa
Yeah, i read some stuff about the effects on lipid profile. IMO that is the biggest side effect of SD...Originally Posted by prolangtum
i dont know how this stuff is legal, if its just as effective as illegal anabolics. How long till it gets put on the ban, cuz i want to get some/
FYI... im not going to do it for 10 weeks, just 4, or maybe 6.
Im taking SD right now. It works greats. Sounds like its so toxic u shouldnt take it.....im still not getting off it. What can i take to counterbalance these terribal toxins.
I've been running 30mg/day of SD for 30 days......I've noticed more gains in the first 15 days then the last 15........last couple days I've noticed some lower back aches and had a couple of back spasms when I was carrying my daughter.....
I was going to run this for 60 days but if this back ache keeps up I think I'm going to stop and start PCT very soon.
Strength gains are impressive 30 days ago couldn't budge 275 on the bench and I did 2 solid reps.....Muscle pumps are great too
I put on about 8lbs and hardly any gains in the waistline.......
Anybody else experience back aches while running SD??
i have heard of people complaining of pains in the kidney region towards the end of a sd cycle
I think that back cramps and pains are commonly misdiagnosed by layman as kidney/liver pain instead of jump cramps and pumps from the anabolics, keep in mind that your lower back is constantly being used to stabilize your torso in pretty much every movement. Truth is your kidney/liver wouldn't actually hurt anyway. If you were nearing major kidney/liver problems you would get jaundice, your skin and eyes would turn a yellowish color.
i know when my back (lower back pumps up) generally when im walking , if i sit for a min or 2 the pain is not as great. then i know i need to sit for a good 10 -15 min to release the pressure...
on work out days after a good work out the walk from our gym to my car is a good 100 yards i might make it 15 yrds and i feel the pump comming on, ill sit for a min and continue to walk by the time i got to my car my back is screaming , my drive home take about 30 mins and by the time i get home my back is fine.
Reclining the drivers seat a few notches does wonders when coming home from the gym after a back day on anabolics.Originally Posted by DevilsDeity
I noticed the same types of pain in my lower back when I ran SD. Especially on my squat/deadlift day. It's excruciating. But to answer the question of how long till it's pulled off the shelf, about three months. I just spoke with a buddy who owns a supplement store out here(not a chain), and he knows the actual guy who owns the superdrol line, and he was told about three months from now it would be off the shelf. The person who designed it knew this would happen, so he has the necessary amounts for until then, and said he has something new for when SD is taken off the shelves. Hope that's helpful. We'll see if it stands true.
Alot of people on here know the man who owns designer supplements...
Hehe I sometimes look like a mexican gangsta when I come home from a back day because the seat is all the way down. Sometimes I need to chill for 1/2 hour before coming home cause the lombars are killin me.Originally Posted by nsa
are we talking about the superdrol supp on bodybuilding.com, or a different superdrol supp?
Yes...the one you can buy at bodybuilding.com
I see alot of info on here about doing a cutting cycle with this, but is there a way to do a bulking cycle with it?
It is meant for a bulking cycle or lean mass cycle. It doesn't work great, like some would think, for cutting cycles.
thanks NSA
Do any of you guys know anything about AX new product comming out called Phera-Plex??
It is very similar to ergomax by ALRI but a little more androgenic/anabolic
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