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Thread: legal supps with roid like effects

  1. #1

    legal supps with roid like effects

    There are still a few legal supplements around that appear to have pretty strong effects:

    Max LMG
    Methyl 1-P

    There's been several posts commenting on superdrol, but has anyone tried these others? If so, do they work? What about stacking them with superdrol?

  2. #2
    I really don't believe they'll do anything like the real thing but give you allot of energy from the caffeine they put into them...JMHO

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    the best legal supp with roid like effect is going to be food(diet)

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by WILDCH1LD
    I really don't believe they'll do anything like the real thing but give you allot of energy from the caffeine they put into them...JMHO

    They dont put caffiene in ANY of these.

    the first 2 work very well but the last is crap from everyone ive heard try it all it does is increase hunger and that leads to minor weight gain.

    SD is methylated and is toxic to the liver so limit it to 4 weeks at a maximum of 40mg per day tops.

    MAX LMG is not methylated and can be run for longer periods of time.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    east coast
    Quote Originally Posted by WILDCH1LD
    I really don't believe they'll do anything like the real thing but give you allot of energy from the caffeine they put into them...JMHO
    Are you serious with this comment? No offense but thats one of the dumbest comments i've seen in a while. Learn a little about these compounds and what they do, as Superdrol is a steroid...

  6. #6

    has anyone here used Methyl 1-P? any comments on effectiveness or sides?

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by nsa
    Are you serious with this comment? No offense but thats one of the dumbest comments i've seen in a while. Learn a little about these compounds and what they do, as Superdrol is a steroid...

    I guess I should have better explained myself, what I was getting at is that allot of the products that I have seen and tried before I turned over to actually experimenting with real gear have done sh*t for me...Superdrol is one of them....I know that we all don't have the same genetics as other's but my personal experience with them has not been good and just money down the drain. I've tried allot that claim to be so effective like gear with similar compounds that have just disappointed me. Some do have similar compounds but I stay away from that stuff period, I'm not saying that they my not enhance other's but that was just my opinion.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Bryan2
    They dont put caffiene in ANY of these.

    the first 2 work very well but the last is crap from everyone ive heard try it all it does is increase hunger and that leads to minor weight gain.

    SD is methylated and is toxic to the liver so limit it to 4 weeks at a maximum of 40mg per day tops.

    MAX LMG is not methylated and can be run for longer periods of time.

    I jumped the gun...My bad...

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    east coast
    Quote Originally Posted by WILDCH1LD
    I guess I should have better explained myself, what I was getting at is that allot of the products that I have seen and tried before I turned over to actually experimenting with real gear have done sh*t for me...Superdrol is one of them....I know that we all don't have the same genetics as other's but my personal experience with them has not been good and just money down the drain. I've tried allot that claim to be so effective like gear with similar compounds that have just disappointed me. Some do have similar compounds but I stay away from that stuff period, I'm not saying that they my not enhance other's but that was just my opinion.
    It's cool, just a misunderstanding. Not saying that your training and diet aren't good, but maybe you should revise them or at least have some members critique them in the appropriate forums to improve them. Cuz Superdrol should yeild some gains, obviously not like injectables because injectables are generally run 3x longer but still should show some gains.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Friend of mine took the Methel 1-p he had good gains but lost most after cycle

  11. #11
    u think something like tribulas would make u keep those gains?? I'm wondering if that is near strong enough

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