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Thread: Muscle Milk

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Stockton, Ca.

    Cool Muscle Milk

    I just received my order of Muscle Milk by CYTOSPORT and tried it yesterday. This stuff taste so good I am now wondering if it actually works. Have anyone been using it for awhile and do you see results?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    I haven't tried it myself but i've heard nothing but great things about the stuff and the taste is supposed to be great too.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 1969
    Outside your bedroom wind
    Good stuff bro. I like their bars, and their drinks are probably the best out there. It's got MCT oil, which is an awesome alternative to energy when dieting with lo carbs. Be careful and watch your cholesterol though, I just read an article how MCT oil can raise bad cholesterol. I'm sure it's only in INSANE doses, so use it. I think I'm going to get myself a tub of that Vanilla...mmmmm

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    New Jersey
    i liked it, i went throug 2 jugs and only took it for breakfast. I did notice my self getting leaner. I also reccomended it to someone else who had the same results.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    can u guys explain what this stuff is im startin to get interested and where i could find it

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    New Jersey
    it's a protein shake with lot's of Fat and stuff to help your body maximize it's production of creatine. and it tastes great.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    What's the deal with this stuff? It's loaded with fat. I wouldn't even consider using it unless I was totally restricting carbs. I have also heard that MCT oil's are not the greatest for you, and that Flax and Omega's are a much better source of good fat. Can anyone pull up some info where it say's MCT's are good for you? I've also heard that Muscle Milk taste killer, but shit if you add a ton of fat to something of course it's going to give it a much better flavor. I'm not knocking it, just a little skeptical that's all.


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 1969
    Outside your bedroom wind
    MCT oils are burned primarily as energy, not stored as fat. Cytosport calls them Lean Lipids.

    Here's a little more info I dug up:

    Benefits of using Muscle Milk:

    Creatine Production: Patent-pending, medically proven EndoCreatineTM gives you maximum benefits of creatine loading and storage by increasing your body's natural production of creatine.

    Efficient Energy Production: Lean LipidsTM are special fats that are easily mobilized for workout energy, enhance your body's fat metabolism and promote protein synthesis, anti-imflammatory effects and mineral retention.

    Muscle Growth and Repair: EvoProTM is a complex ratio of proteins, peptides and amino acids designed to replicate the amazing benefits of mothers milk for rapid tissue growth and repair.

    Best ways to use Muscle Milk:

    Before: Drink 30 minutes - two hours before your workout as you would a performance shake or smoothie

    During: Drink together with Cytomax to flood the body with growth nutrients and acid-buffering agents

    After: Drink within one-hour after workouts to encourage muscle synthesis during periods normally marked by breakdown

    Evening: One serving before bed helps make your sleep time more anabolic

    Flax oil is used for an entirely different reason, as it has EFAs...MCTs are just that...Medium Chain Triglycerides. Fat doesn't make you fat, excess calories and insulin makes you fat.
    Eating fat while on low carbs is DEFINATELY necessary...fats are used for energy and to slow digestion when carbohydrates are low. MCTs...being med. chain. tryg. actually are used how carbs are used...but without the insulin spike, as turning fat into glucose, which I believe is called oxidation (please someone correct me if I'm wrong), requires a lot of energy to digest and change forms...burning extra calories in the process.

    It has apprx. 348 cals per serving, so that's an awesome meal size when dieting...presuming you are eating 7 ish times a day.
    Last edited by PaPaPumP; 04-23-2002 at 01:46 AM.

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