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Thread: how much vit c required?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    London Baby

    how much vit c required?

    i have always taken 1g a day (2 tablets split throughout the day)

    does anyone recommend using more than this

    and should it be the same for both cutting and bulking?

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    An apartment
    I take 2g a day, 1 in the morning and 1 in the evening. On workout days I take an extra 2g with my PWO shake.

  3. #3
    When I'm looking to make sure my natural test levels are high (yes, I did say test levels!), I supplement with up to 12 grams of vitamin C. This max dosage is recommended by Dr. Micheal Colgan (Optimum Sports Nutrition). Check out this book for excellent information on vitamins and minerals.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    i get about 5g ed.. bulk and cutting..

  5. #5
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    London Baby
    Quote Originally Posted by Decadbal
    i get about 5g ed.. bulk and cutting..

    is that 5g from supplements or 5g total including from food?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by striker93
    When I'm looking to make sure my natural test levels are high (yes, I did say test levels!), I supplement with up to 12 grams of vitamin C. This max dosage is recommended by Dr. Micheal Colgan (Optimum Sports Nutrition). Check out this book for excellent information on vitamins and minerals.
    becareful with large amounts... over 10,000 units, it is said that kidney stones may develop, more prone to heartburn, and rarely but theres been cases of dissolving tooth enamel. I recommend the sodium ascorbate form which is better for the stomach and equally as efficient.

    I supplement with emergen C 's they come in small packets(powder) and taste great.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    London Baby
    yeah too much vit c can be toxic

    12g a day seems WAY too high

  8. #8
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    You guys should check Johan's thread in the diet board---he's in an experiment with Vitamin C---I think he's up to 15g's a day now

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    you cant really OD on vitamin c since its water just piss the excess out

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by G-Force
    is that 5g from supplements or 5g total including from food?
    just from supps..

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Squatman51
    you cant really OD on vitamin c since its water just piss the excess out
    You can OD on vit. C, I think the symptons were bleeding gums and stuff like that. And if even that doesn't stop you, just think of where the vit. C passes through to get pissed (it starts with "k" and ends with "idneys" )

  12. #12
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    i do around 2g a day for emerg c packets.

  13. #13
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    London Baby
    Quote Originally Posted by Veretta21
    You guys should check Johan's thread in the diet board---he's in an experiment with Vitamin C---I think he's up to 15g's a day now

    you got the link for that?

  14. #14
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    Apr 2003
    You got me hesitant to take over 5g's now because of the kidney stone talk----I was going to try and get up to 10g's a day but forget that---I was at 5g's a day and my stomach has been acting up---so I'm gonna stay around 3-5 a day---anyways here's the link...

  15. #15
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  16. #16
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    I posted this on a different thread but if you miss the other this seems to fit here also... good read!
    Last edited by dwaynewade; 07-27-2005 at 09:16 AM.

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    Scotty, beam me up
    Quote Originally Posted by NoDude!
    You can OD on vit. C, I think the symptons were bleeding gums and stuff like that. And if even that doesn't stop you, just think of where the vit. C passes through to get pissed (it starts with "k" and ends with "idneys" )
    Wrong. Its impossible to overdose vitamin c. Impossible. No sides have been seen even with dosages of several hundrad grams day through iv for extended time periods. Vitamin c puts no strain whatsoever on kidneys.

    So mega dose it all you want guys its only benifical. Working up to bowel tollerance and sticking at that dosages is the best and that makes you almost completely imune to flu's and colds aswell.

  18. #18
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    other benifits I have noticed is improve fat loss, improved energy(I get ALOT of energy from it), no problem with my pollen allergies now(its a nautral antihistamin), seems to help with my knees(important part of collagen synthesis) and helps in strenght gains through its cortisol lowering effects.

  19. #19
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    Scotty, beam me up
    vitamin c and the comon cold by linus pauling

    vitamin c infectious disease and toxins, curing the incurabled by dr thomas levy

    ascorbate by hickley

    read those books about it and you will aswell become a vitamin c fanatic since its one of the MAIN things that can improve the quality of our lifes, boost our health, keep us safe from cardiovascular disease, make us immune to flu and colds and make us extremely resistant against viral diseases. IT CAN EVEN CURE POLIO!! This is all proven facts not very well known but still facts.

  20. #20
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    It can also neutralise most toxics, snake venom, spider bites and so on. It flushes heavy metalls out of the body(very important if you have amalgam fillings in your teeth since they leak mercury), improves insulin sensitivity alot(made me go hypo not even metformin does that).

  21. #21
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    Scotty, beam me up
    dwayne the poliquin artile you linked to there is the article that started my vitamin c crazyness. Very good read indeed. Have yet to found a doc that is willing to give me vitamin c iv though.

  22. #22
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    I support all of this, yet still believe in the saying "everything in moderation"... pushing 10,000 mg plus daily IMO is not the way to go.

  23. #23
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    Great read--be sure to post the second part when it comes out

  24. #24
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    dwayne read the books I mentioned and you will se why 10grams+ isnt excess but something we only benifit from. Especialy the Linus Pauling book its awsome.

    5 grams should be the bare minimum anyone should take if they have any concern for there own well beeing.

    I have literaly spent the entire summer reading everything I possibly can about vitamin c. I didnt even read this intensly about steroids before my first cycle. I can honestly and without a doubt say that every human would benifit from 10grams of vitamin c daily. Many many is in need of far greater dosages because just about every disease(both permanent and short term)greatly increases the need for vitamin c.

  25. #25
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    I believe that things happen for a reason in life----I am ordering sodium ascorbate and going to give this another try----I just question when you say we should take 10g's a day for our own well being---I think if we really needed it--we would be meant be to have it sort of speak--if ya can understand where I'm coming from...

  26. #26
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    Scotty, beam me up
    if you look at evolution. A couple of million years ago we had a daily production of 5-15grams of ascorbic acid a day. A mutation made us lose the ability to produce ascorbic acid but we lived in a enviorment where the food was so rich on ascorbic acid that we could survivie. A diet back then gave us atleast 5grams of ascorbic acid every day.

    Now days with the veggies and fruits ruined because of artificial fertilizers, with toxins increasing the free radicals in our bodies and so on we need greater ammounts of antioxidatns vitamin c in particular to stay healthy. But the only way to do that is to supplement.

    If you look in the animal kingdom the disease we humans have are only shared by a few spieces, the other spieces that can not produce ascorbic acid just like us and they only get those diseases when they are taken out of there natural habitat so they get robbed of the ascorbic acid rich foods.

    So to me its obvious we need that much. Its logical. We also need alot more of all vitamins then the rdi(except vitamin d). But ascorbic acid is the only vitamin we need in those ammounts.

    A avarage pig produces 10grams of ascorbic acid a day. It can dubbel or trippel when its sic. A avarage monkey gets well over 5 grams a day through diet(they cant produce there own). the rdi for ascorbic acid for monkey is 5grams day. Yet the rdi for humans are 50mg. Makes you go "hmmmm"

  27. #27
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    But most people are living and surviving just fine without the supplementation of Vitamin C? Where did you find out that millions of years ago we produced 5-15g's a day? I'm not trying to be a smart ass--all out of curiousty

  28. #28
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    Apr 2003
    BTW I found a place that I am gonna order from---how does this look:

    Vitamin C supports the immune system's ability to fight disease and infection. Vitamin C is an extremely powerful antioxidant, it even protects other vitamins from oxidation!

    Just one teaspoon of VitaPurity Buffered Vitamin C Powder is equal to eating 80 oranges! Plus, it's easy on your stomach even at Ultra-Max megadoses!

    Supplement Facts per 1/4 teaspoon:

    Buffered Vitamin C Powder ..... 1000mg
    as Sodium Ascorbate

    This Item Is: In Stock

    8 ounce jar. 224 servings per bottle! Retail price: $29.99

    "57% OFF SALE PRICE!"

  29. #29
    Join Date
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    Scotty, beam me up
    Quote Originally Posted by Veretta21
    But most people are living and surviving just fine without the supplementation of Vitamin C? Where did you find out that millions of years ago we produced 5-15g's a day? I'm not trying to be a smart ass--all out of curiousty

    its all in Linus Paulings book. Seems like something most biologist agrees on.

    We survive yes, but we are a sic spieces, Artherosclerosis, alzheimers, diabetes and so on. We are the sicest spieces on the face of the earth. We only survive as good thanks to our technology not thanks to our health.

  30. #30
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    Scotty, beam me up
    Quote Originally Posted by Veretta21
    BTW I found a place that I am gonna order from---how does this look:

    Vitamin C supports the immune system's ability to fight disease and infection. Vitamin C is an extremely powerful antioxidant, it even protects other vitamins from oxidation!

    Just one teaspoon of VitaPurity Buffered Vitamin C Powder is equal to eating 80 oranges! Plus, it's easy on your stomach even at Ultra-Max megadoses!

    Supplement Facts per 1/4 teaspoon:

    Buffered Vitamin C Powder ..... 1000mg
    as Sodium Ascorbate

    This Item Is: In Stock

    8 ounce jar. 224 servings per bottle! Retail price: $29.99

    "57% OFF SALE PRICE!"
    That sounds very good. How muck would 8 ounces be in grams? I linked to a good website that had 3ibs of sodium ascorbate for 32 bucks in the other thread in the diet forum. Go with the one that is cheapest

  31. #31
    Join Date
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    hey Johan you're a trip...I admire your vision... lol... good to have different takes on things.. still would like to agree to disagree on this topic

  32. #32
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    lol sure we can agree to disagree but anytime you want to debate Im all for it
    We all have our oppinions that what makes this world so good best thing is to look at the facts/theories both sides present and then make a descision.

  33. #33
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    dwayne---do you disagree because you believe everything in moderation type theory? Johan I'm a jackass---it hit me that this health shop by me probably has the sodium ascorbate that you linked for me--well I went there just now and sure enough they did--plus it was on sale for $20 for the 3lbs one that I was gonna order---we'll see how this goes...

  34. #34
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    Scotty, beam me up
    veretta hit me upp with the link to that health shop. Im on the look for cheap sodim ascorbate I pay like 16 bucks for 1 ib of it over here in sweden.

  35. #35
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    Here's the link:
    but I doubt it will ship to Sweden as its a local store--but you can try

  36. #36
    Join Date
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    Scotty, beam me up
    thanks Il check it out.

  37. #37
    Join Date
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    London Baby
    listen to Johan, he certainly knows his stuff, especially regarding vitamin C
    (even if his spelling isnt that great - there is a 'K' in sick dude)

    - i find it difficult reading all those long studies, half of which i dont understand, but i trust Johan enough to give mega dosing vitc a try

    couple of questions

    1. why do u favour drinking it in solution rather than tabs - is that merely a cost issue or is there more to it?

    2. how do you divide your doses up - eg how much and when?

    3. is sodium ascorbate the best? my vit tabs say they are comprised of both sodium ascorbate and and ascorbic acid - 50/50) is yours pure sodium?


  38. #38
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    Scotty, beam me up
    Quote Originally Posted by G-Force
    listen to Johan, he certainly knows his stuff, especially regarding vitamin C
    (even if his spelling isnt that great - there is a 'K' in sick dude)

    - i find it difficult reading all those long studies, half of which i dont understand, but i trust Johan enough to give mega dosing vitc a try

    couple of questions

    1. why do u favour drinking it in solution rather than tabs - is that merely a cost issue or is there more to it?

    2. how do you divide your doses up - eg how much and when?

    3. is sodium ascorbate the best? my vit tabs say they are comprised of both sodium ascorbate and and ascorbic acid - 50/50) is yours pure sodium?

    Thanks bro Maby I should use a spell check

    1. Its simply a cost issue. Wouldnt like swallowing 20 pills a day either with god knows what as fillers. Drinking it is easier.

    2. At wakeupp I drink 5 grams. Then I drink 15 grams more during the day spread over 3 dosages. Last one before beed. If its a workout day the remaining 2 dosages pre and post workout. Before you start using vitamin c determine your bowel tolerance. Simply do this by taking 5grams every 30 minutes until your stomach starts to get upset. When you get lose stool that is your bowel tolerance(meaning ascorbic acid is reaching the intestents intact). Check bowel tolerance every now and then since it changes. A increased bowel tolerance is always a indication that something funny is going on in the body(infection for instance)that increases free radicals.

    3. There is no difference in action betwen the 2. I prefer sodium ascorbaté since I have a sensitive stomach and cant handle the acidity of ascorbic acid. If you can handle ascorbic acid then go for it(most can, but I have had 2 ulcers this spring(not vitamin c related)so I wont risk it). Some claim there is advantages with ascorbic acid aswell but the oppinions are mixed.

    I agree btw the studies are a pain in the ass. Took me several weeks of reading and checking to understand them completely

  39. #39
    Join Date
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    London Baby
    cheers dude

    i have a pretty strong stomach so i am not too worried about my tolerance

    i'm have been gradually increases my doses
    i was at just 1g a day for years,
    i am on around 4g now
    and will prob get up to 7g soon to see if that makes any difference

  40. #40
    Join Date
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    Scotty, beam me up
    let us know what happens bro at 15grams day I started noticing ALOT more energy. The first 1,5 week on 15 g/day I could hardly sit still I had so much energy that it was silly. When I got to 20grams/day I got hypoglyckemia so if you feel lightheaded consume some carbs.

    I know you alread use a multivitamin mineral so this is more a reminder for everyone else. Vitamin c shuttles some minerals out of the body a little quicker then normal so supplementing with a solid multi vitamin/mineral is a good idea.

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