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Thread: Not everyone makes the same gains

  1. #1
    TryingHard's Avatar
    TryingHard is offline Yes thats me in the Avatar!!! A wanna be BB!!
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    Not everyone makes the same gains

    I just wanted to post one of my cycles when prohormones were legal:

    1AD: 200mg a day
    M1T: 200mg a day
    19Nor: 100mg a day
    4AD: 200mg a day

    I made outstanding gains with all of these products. I went from 175 to 198. I ran this cycle for 5 weeks. I had ankle surgery and I stopped working out, stopped taking anything, and just crashed really hard. My weight never went below 180 after i crashed so i'm thinking that i gained at least 5lbs of quaility muscle. The reason I wrote this is because i'm sick of hearing about people talking sh*t about some of the sups out there, and not evening trying them. Not all supplements work the same for everyone. Your gains could be different then mine. If everyone was affected by supplements the same way we would all look the same.

    P.S. What the hell is up with Jay Cutlers Head??? He really needs to lay off the GH. Everyone always bashing Ronnie, but nobody says shit about Jay's big ass head. If it gets any bigger his neck is gonna break.

  2. #2
    200mgs m1t?!?!

  3. #3
    TryingHard's Avatar
    TryingHard is offline Yes thats me in the Avatar!!! A wanna be BB!!
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    Human waste in Fort Bragg
    When i say 200mg of M1T that means 4 pills (50mg) which equals 200mg. I was only getting 40mg of the active supplement. And yes, I spread these out throughout the day ensuring that my test levels were up on a 24 hour basis.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    cardiff wales
    Quote Originally Posted by TryingHard
    When i say 200mg of M1T that means 4 pills (50mg) which equals 200mg. I was only getting 40mg of the active supplement. And yes, I spread these out throughout the day ensuring that my test levels were up on a 24 hour basis.
    LOL WHAT!? no way man!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    if thats right thats where all the gains came from 4- 50mg m1t pills aday. cause the 1ad and 4ad are way underdosed.

    hows your liver?

  6. #6
    TryingHard's Avatar
    TryingHard is offline Yes thats me in the Avatar!!! A wanna be BB!!
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    Human waste in Fort Bragg
    I'm sure it is damaged. But hey that is what life is all about. Making choices on how you live. I'm starting my new cycle now. I'll be taking the following:

    M1P: 3 Pills a day
    MAX LMG: 2 Pills a day
    1,4AD: 4 Pills a day

    My father died of liver cancer at 42. Maybe i'll be lucky. I'm 32, so ten years is not bad to live.

  7. #7
    Correct me if I'm wrong, but you must mean 4 pills a day at 5mg, not 50mg. For a total of 20mg, not 200mg. Most M1t pills are 5mg, and the reccommended daily dose is usually around 10-30mg.. I think your liver might fall out if you did 200mg a day.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    holy fuk

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