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Thread: Glucosamine/Chondroïtine heartburn :(

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2005

    Glucosamine/Chondroïtine heartburn :(

    I started taking it since saturday and after a few days I had huge cramps
    when I didnt even take it yet. When I took it that night there was no problem
    but the next day I had it again.
    A day later I got the heartburn shit and it was really bad this morning.
    I read somewhere that cramps and heartburn can occur using gluco/chondro.

    Anyone had this too when they started using it ?
    If so, does it stop after a while (how long) ?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2005

  3. #3
    I've had the same problem with the hearburn, just always used a bit of tums and it helped completely, dunno about the cramps though, never had them using gluco/chon.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    what are tums ?

  5. #5
    I get bad stomach cramps if I take them on an empty stomach. What I do is eat half of my meal, take my pills, and then consume the rest of my meal. Also, make sure to take a lot of water, with your pills, and this will help with the heartburn. Works great, for me!

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by TallMan
    what are tums ?
    Tums are an antacid (not sure if I spelled it correctly). They start acting to neutralize the stomach acid that is coming up into your esphogus. This will cease the burning sensation very quickly. It it is only a short-term fix, IMO. You need to find the source of the problem to end it permanently.

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