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Thread: How safe is Caffeine/Ephedrine/Aspirin and is it neccesary to cycle off?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2005

    How safe is Caffeine/Ephedrine/Aspirin and is it neccesary to cycle off?

    Been working out for 10 years now, and have always rotated the ECA stack in my diet.

    I know it was taken off the market, And I have been adjusting with Vasopro (ephedrine) 25mg, Aspririn, and 200mg of caffeine. Most bodybuilders are familiar with this, and my question detrimetal is this in the long run?

    How safe is it to run this dose all year long? or is it absolutetly nesscesary to cycle it on and off. I usually only take it to go the gym, I do not exceed 100mg of epehdrine/day.

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by str8cubano
    Been working out for 10 years now, and have always rotated the ECA stack in my diet.

    I know it was taken off the market, And I have been adjusting with Vasopro (ephedrine) 25mg, Aspririn, and 200mg of caffeine. Most bodybuilders are familiar with this, and my question detrimetal is this in the long run?

    How safe is it to run this dose all year long? or is it absolutetly nesscesary to cycle it on and off. I usually only take it to go the gym, I do not exceed 100mg of epehdrine/day.
    A few things: Stop buying VasoPro and start buying Pure Ephedrine HCL. I would love to source it to you but I myself don't actually have a source just yet. Pure E HCL is made by Bolt, so look into it. Also, cycling the ECA stack is a must in my eyes as a tolerance will be built and the stack will only become more ineffective as time passes. As far as the risk assesment, I am not sure. Here are some articles that I haven't had the time to get around to. Also, 100mg of Vasopro is a little much in my eyes, I can do 50mg a day and be hyped, I did 75mg one day with 25mg x 3 dosing and it was pretty nuts. Maybe lay off the ECA and try something different for a little bit. I'm actually starting a YC stack today and gave myself a 1.5 week break from the EC stack to YC stack.

    ^^^ Check that out. Good luck bro.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2005

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    i have been doing it for 2 months straight now..dunno about the effect of it wearing off ..some on here say that u dont need to cycle off because the effects of fatburning are still there

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Animosity
    A few things: Stop buying VasoPro and start buying Pure Ephedrine HCL. I would love to source it to you but I myself don't actually have a source just yet. Pure E HCL is made by Bolt, so look into it. Also, cycling the ECA stack is a must in my eyes as a tolerance will be built and the stack will only become more ineffective as time passes. As far as the risk assesment, I am not sure. Here are some articles that I haven't had the time to get around to. Also, 100mg of Vasopro is a little much in my eyes, I can do 50mg a day and be hyped, I did 75mg one day with 25mg x 3 dosing and it was pretty nuts. Maybe lay off the ECA and try something different for a little bit. I'm actually starting a YC stack today and gave myself a 1.5 week break from the EC stack to YC stack.

    ^^^ Check that out. Good luck bro.
    Vasopro has 25mg of ephedrine HCL.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Bubba Army
    dude vasopro is fine. ive been using it for 6-7 months and i still havent upped the dosage yet. 25/200 is a great combo. personally i dont use any asprin, it seems like a waste. i only take it when i lift(4 days/wk) and i still feel the same energy as when i started it.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    cool...what is the reason for the aspirin again? just to think the blood?

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