A few things:
Stop buying VasoPro and start buying Pure Ephedrine HCL. I would love to source it to you but I myself don't actually have a source just yet. Pure E HCL is made by Bolt, so look into it. Also, cycling the ECA stack is a must in my eyes as a tolerance will be built and the stack will only become more ineffective as time passes. As far as the risk assesment, I am not sure. Here are some articles that I haven't had the time to get around to. Also, 100mg of Vasopro is a little much in my eyes, I can do 50mg a day and be hyped, I did 75mg one day with 25mg x 3 dosing and it was pretty nuts. Maybe lay off the ECA and try something different for a little bit. I'm actually starting a YC stack today and gave myself a 1.5 week break from the EC stack to YC stack.
^^^ Check that out. Good luck bro.