i have seen this product from universal called lava......it has 32 grams of protein, and carbs and it also has 5.5 grams of creatine........heres the pic check it out at bodybuilding.com thats were i would order it from does anyone have info on it ?
i have seen this product from universal called lava......it has 32 grams of protein, and carbs and it also has 5.5 grams of creatine........heres the pic check it out at bodybuilding.com thats were i would order it from does anyone have info on it ?
UNIVERSAL LAVA : I used to work for themso I do know quite a lot on their stuff.
I personally think its a great product - but best used POST workout. If my mind serves me correct, it has per serving around 35g pure whey protein, 35g carbs from dextrose and maltodextrin, and 5.5g micronised creatine. It also has added things like 1.5g glutamine, taurine, etc. I think its perfect if you want try creatine, cause the product gives you everthing you want postworkout - whey, high GI carbs, insulin potentiators and creatine. I hope I dont sound like a repBTW I wouldnt use it during the day as an MRP, only for postworkout, used pure proteins during day.
2 more questions please answer....if i take it on a diet will it help me los weight......is it good to take while losing fat and gaining muscle ? and how is the taste? is it like a creamy orange or an orange like a carbo drink?please answer?
xenithon when did you work for universal? what did you do for them?
taste : very good (especially with skim milk
on a diet - not really - its high sugar contect and creatine are not good for dieting to loose weight - in fact I would never suggest creatine when looking to do this cause of water retention.
i actually still work for them - sales rep here in south africa
what kind of taste is it is like a regular protein shake or is it like a celltec drink ?
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