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Thread: nitric oxide

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2005

    nitric oxide

    has any 1 used nitric oxide suplements in training i have just been reading a report on it in a bodybuilding mag apparently it substantialy increases the intensity of the pump during a workout and several companies are researching this product to explore its ability to create hypertrophy.

    anyway i wont sit here typing out every paragraph in this review just want to know if any 1 has tried it and what they think.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2005
    ON, Canada
    I have used a nitric oxide product. Combined with CEE, it was pretty good, pumps werent bad. I honestly think it makes a dif. I dont use it ne more, but why not give it a try.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    dirty south
    if your looking for better pumps then deffinetly give it a try as far as it putting on muscle its worthless. its expensive and when you stop taking it that pump goes away completly and your left with nothing except an empty wallet.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    ok thanx for your response guys i think i will give it a go and see how good it is, i will post up any results

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    I was on nitrix for the last month and It made me look nothing like Ronnie my opinion its an expensive way to get better pumps and have your veins pop out more. Its was really only good for me for appearance so I dont think Im going to use it again unless I can find something cheaper. Good luck with it.

  6. #6
    Been using MBI's Nitric Oxide and SciFit's CEE and recieved some of the best gains outside of AAS.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    South Texas
    I too have used N02 and had quite a descent pump and leaned out a bit ( maybe because of my diet ) but in my 4 weeks of using this product I was totally dissappointed. I didn't gain a pound of muscle only an empty feeling in my wallet.

    I took it back to the GNC store since it's guaranteed and exchanged it for N0xplode...and they did honor it but the manager told me that I couldn't exchange any more products because their products didn't work for me.

    I really did get swept by the commotion of N02 and it's perpetual pump but it's just a waste of money IMO.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    might give arganine(sp??) or whatever the name of the thing is. I like the idea of more visable vains and good pumps, i guess if the price is right ill go for it some day. Till then protein/CEE/vitamins work fine for me, but vascularity would be nice

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by mario_ps2
    I too have used N02 and had quite a descent pump and leaned out a bit ( maybe because of my diet ) but in my 4 weeks of using this product I was totally dissappointed. I didn't gain a pound of muscle only an empty feeling in my wallet.

    I took it back to the GNC store since it's guaranteed and exchanged it for N0xplode...and they did honor it but the manager told me that I couldn't exchange any more products because their products didn't work for me.

    I really did get swept by the commotion of N02 and it's perpetual pump but it's just a waste of money IMO.
    Next time try an NO product that has a 2:1 ratio. That's not listed on the label but a little detective work will. For example MBI's Nitric Oxide uses a 2:1 ratio which means that there is 2 Arginines attached to 1 alpha-ketoglutarate. I suspect from feedback such as your's (and many others on MRI's NO2) that it uses a 1:1 ratio. 1 Arginine attached to one alpha-ketoglutarate. This gives you only half the amount of arginine as say MBI's NO thus giving you only half the effect; which is probably not enough to give you a good result. In addition, NO2 uses less mg's/pill and is in a capsule form. The one I mentioned uses more mg's/pill (1000mg) and is in a liquid gel format which I feel adds better absorption. It also uses a bullshit PH delivery system, and so does NO2 but I think all that crap is marketing B.S. Anyways what my point is: there is a difference between the raw materials these companies use and from hearing such differing opinions I can only feel that is the reason why. Don't take one product and feel that all NO products suck because I've found one that is a staple in my regime and one of the best supps out there...I feel.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    hey guys thanx for all your input on this
    i went out ond bought some NO supps on that day i posted this thread and heve been taking them as per the directions on the container
    the brand is EAS Nitron 5, you take 4 tablets in the morning and 4 before training (thats alot of fu*ken pills and they are not small), and let me tell you these things get you pumped up to the max, i feel i can push just that little bit extra out of each session in the gym, my veins stay pumped for ages now throughout the day, i love it.
    i'll let you guys know what happens after i finish the lot of them

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    which would yall recomend getting off of all sports as far as cheepest with the 2:1 ratio that turanabol mentioned? Id like to give this stuff a shot, but dont want to put a hole in my wallet to be disapointed.

    Edit: also, will i find any decent arginine at a GNC? Im gonna be near there later so i was thinking of checking it out. Plus i got a coupon. Ive seen the prices on their N0 products and am not spending 70 dollars for a pump, so perhaps they will have some cheap decent arginine.
    Last edited by playa4933; 08-25-2005 at 03:12 PM.

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by hurley11
    I was on nitrix for the last month and It made me look nothing like Ronnie
    I know..not everyone can look like me

    I dont really like the stuff. I wasted $84 on that stuff buying 2 I looked like a balloon after I worked out and about 2 hours afterwards. Did shit for strength.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    I use no xplode, i see a HUDGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! differnce in my workout, more intense, lift more, do more reps, simply it works amazing, but dont listen to the bottle, it says take it on off days also, but since ur not using it for weight gain or size, theres no need, just take it before ur wokout for energy. 2nd it says takes 2-4 scoops prior to workout, id say take 1 scoop the first day, then 1 1/2 the 2nd, then level out at 2 scoops 30 mins prior to workout. i weigh 200 pounds n 2 scoops is enough. i do not take it on my cardio days, only my workout days, its expensive but i only workout 3 times a week with weights so it WELL worth it for the strength/energy gain, hope this helps, i combine this with that homemade cell tech with 2 scoops of tasteless whey protein, witht his combo ull see HUDGE results, no doubt about it

  14. #14
    Who in hear reccomends NO Explode.
    I have some but was advised against it, heard it did nothing and was dangerous.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    what do you mean does nothing?? lol take 2 scoops n tell me it doesnt do nething....
    as far as dangerous ive never heard that, ne one else know if its dangerous or not

  16. #16
    dangerous?? So are you one of the people that say creatine is bad for you..or is creatine the same thing as steroids?
    Sorry bout the flame but check into stuff before making very general false statements

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    havent tried it but from what i hear its just a combo of creatine ethyl ester and a no2 product (probably arganine not sure). If thats the case i dont see any danger in it. Many people use creatine and no supps together with no problems. Your not gonna gain muscle and strength really, just gives you bigger pumps and what not.

    BTW i decided to hold off on no produts for now, too expensive. Although i was checking around and found that my pharmacy carries l-arganine with the vitamins. I looked around here and i see that it is pretty much no with lesser effects thatn the AKG. Would getting l-arganine be worth it?
    Last edited by playa4933; 08-29-2005 at 02:34 PM.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    I wouldn't say there are dangers, but the use of NO supplements will greatly increase the production of free radicals. So one should make sure to supplement with some for of and Anti-Oxident to help this.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    like vit c?

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    yeah, or ALA, CoQ10

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    alright ill make sure to use something for that if i do No in the future. Any word on the l-arganine and AKG question i had? Thanks

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Yeah L-Arginine will def help with your pumps, but I don't think its as good as some of the newer more modified versions AKG etc...You can look in the web there are sites that sell bulk hemodilators, cheap too.

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