isopure strawberry and cream might be the most disgusting shit i've ever tasted. it tasted like soap water. i started to gag cause i thought someone put soap in it as a joke. sucks i spent 40 bucks on it and i will never use it again.
isopure strawberry and cream might be the most disgusting shit i've ever tasted. it tasted like soap water. i started to gag cause i thought someone put soap in it as a joke. sucks i spent 40 bucks on it and i will never use it again.
i was gonna buy some of this as my meal replacement...would another flavor be worth it?
honestly i wouldnt get it, judging from the flavor i got i bet all the other flavors suck too.
yeah yeah...the flavor sucks, but that is some of the best protein out there...suck it up....the only way to get size and strength is through sacrifice...
take it back to GNC. Make sure they have that one in stock then return it. If you don't have a receipt you can exchange it for store credit
granted ive never had strawberries and cream, but i love isopure! Ive had their chocolate, chocolate + peanut butter, and i think ive tried a vanilla a while back. All 3 i quite enjoy. kinda funny, i like it so much that durring a workout when im almost done, i get an extra push cuz im so anxious to get to my shake. its got the taste of a real snack but its something i need. honestly, i love it. they dont sell isopure at allsports, so i dont think its against the rules to post a site, if so please send me a pm and ill edit my post. but my friend's site is pretty good priced and a lot of times has discounts. Get the orange isolate, mixes well with anything using a spoon.
fuck that, ive made great gains without it so far, that shit made me wanna puke, im sure its good shit but i dont wanna dread having a shake, i might try the other flavors some time but i am a little weery.Originally Posted by likewize
Try using it as a body wash when you shower. Return it!
are you kidding me!?!? i love strawberries and cream! have you had it with dex? it tastes like strawberry Quick. I like the perfect isopure vanilla too...its really creamy. tastes like a milkshake. but, people tell me syntrax nectar brand proteins are good and i cant stand em. so, different strokes.
Isopure is absolute garbage. One of my friends worked for them, and they dont have a consistant supplier of quality raw whey, they buy the cheapest crap they can find, no matter the quality. Dont buy from them, purchase from a reputable company like ON or allthewhey (my personal fav)
Isopure sucks.
2005 thread?
So is their a protein shake with regards to quality, better than Isopure?
i think the isopure protein sucks. but the pre made drinks are good imo.
anyone i've ever known in the industry either drinks isopure or beverly international. both expensive, but worth it in my opinion.
how about ON? and how about not digging up 3 year old threads to post that useless info
I've found that all the Isopure flavors start tasting the same after a while. I had to switch, it got to the point where I couldnt get any of them down.
I've found that isopure kicks so much ass that threads from 2005 just won't die.
Dude, best protein out there?? It has a nice profile but loaded with vitamins, which you could take separately through a multi. I think it even contains iron, which is no good for males. Taste stinks and it's too expensive. You can get better isolates at half the price. I'm using NOW protein isolate. It tastes great, profile is excellent and it costs about $40 for 5 lbs.
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