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Thread: Panaxoside Roids???

  1. #1

    Panaxoside Roids???

    Has anyone ever heard of PANAXOSIDE ROIDS?? They sell them only in the U.K. and you can order them over seas.

    Here is some info on this product:
    PANAXOSIDES are NOT a controlled substance. They are a powerful bodybuilding supplement sold at many quality supplement stores within the UK.


    "The most powerful legal supplement..."

    The universal response regarding Panaxosides is that THEY WORK! As bodybuilding supplement resellers, we are receiving feedback all the time from bodybuilders who rate Panaxosides higher than anything else they have tried. 15- 30lbs of lean muscle growth is not just a chance depending on your reaction to this product - it is to be expected!

    EAT plenty, TRAIN heavy, WATCH your confidence explode as your muscles burst!


    So why does this product work so effectively? Well, it contains 22x more active Panaxosides than the amount proven clinically to improve almost every aspect underpinning bodybuilding performance including:-

    - Increased strength, stamina, recovery, appetite and reaction times.

    Or more specifically:-

    - Increased pectoral strength (27%)
    - Increase quadriceps strength (19%)
    - Faster post-exercise recovery
    - Enhanced appetite
    - Higher work output
    - Increased maximum breathing capacity
    - Increase VO2 max
    - Faster reaction times
    - Greater concentration

    There have been few other supplements that people have commented that they actually 'feel' working like this. A number of common reports have been dramatic strength improvements within one month of supplementation, and commonly a 20kg increase in bench press strength.

    As one person told me, they have use every product that's been on the supplement market over the last 20 years and nothing has compared to what they experienced with this product. Therefore, after such positive testimonials, we have managed to get a great deal with this supplement company and sell to you with the LOWEST price GUARANTEED!


    Panaxosides are anabolic!

    Administration of Panaxosides to animals results in stimulation of DNA, RNA, protein synthesis and muscle gain. In human fibroblasts, Panaxosides inhibit intracellular protein degradation to a similar magnitude as that observed with insulin and polypeptide growth factors, along with showing the capacity to act directly on human cells to promote protein accumulation.

    Take Panaxosides to increase your strength and recovery

    McNorton and colleagues demonstrated improvements in pectoral strength (by 27%) and quadriceps strength (by 18%), post-exercise recovery (heart rate lowered by 6 beats per minute for the 6 minutes after exercise), and improved maximal oxygen uptake (VO2 max) after supplementing with 8mg of Panaxosides daily for 6-weeks. And you could picture those results and double the size of that image, because Panaxosides contains 90-180mg of panaxosides or 11-22x more than those clinical trials, depending on whether you decide to take 3 or 6 tablets per day.

    Take Panaxosides for gut bursting intensity

    Furthermore, Fargo and Kirochdorfer reported higher work output, forced expiration volume, maximum breathing capacity, faster reaction times and better subjective assessment of mood, sleep, concentration and vitality after supplementing with a mere 8mg of Panaxosides for 12-weeks. Imagine cranking up your training intensity in the squat-rack or dead-lifts to the gut bursting intensity of bodybuilding legends like Tom Platz or Franco Columbu, by using a supplement that keeps you focused and allows you to deliver more oxygen to muscles during gruelling sets and reps.

    Warning – Panaxosides make you super horny!

    Do you know what’s really amazing? GET THIS: Panaxosides are proven aphrodisiacs! Choi and colleagues reported the clinical efficiency of Panaxosides for erectile dysfunction that included changes in penile rigidity and girth, libido, and patients satisfaction in 30 patients. And there’s more…

    Feel Panaxosides working right from your first dose!!!

    Within minutes of taking Panaxosides you will begin to feel energetic and alert. In fact, the university of Northumbria (UK) examined the effects of a single dose of panaxosides and found that memory was improved for at least 6 hours after supplementation. Since Panaxosides are suitable for both men and women, do not have androgenic side-effects, and (currently) are suitable for use in drug tested competitions.

    Here is a pic of the bottle for this stuff.

    What do you all think? Good or not? I have never even heard of this stuff b4 until now.

  2. #2
    No one has heard of this stuff?? Hmm.. I wonder if its any good??

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2004
    with all you've posted're yet to say what the active ingredient is.

  4. #4
    Hmm... your right! lol I didnt even notice. I just saw a supp that I have never seen b4 and posted it! Let me see if I can find out whats in it.

  5. #5
    Im guessing Panaxosides are the Active ingredient but Im not sure, I will still have to look this up but Im guessing off of what it says in the quotes below.

    "So why does this product work so effectively? Well, it contains 22x more active Panaxosides than the amount proven clinically to improve almost every aspect underpinning bodybuilding performance including..."

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2002

  7. #7
    INGERDIENTS: 30% Panaxoside Extract (standardised), tablet coat (gelatin, glycerin, natural colour, iron oxides), soya bean oil, hydrogenated vegetable oil, emulsifier, lecithin, beeswax.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    It exactly what Devils said, Ginseng! A very very Potent Anabolic Agent, even more so than Test!

  9. #9
    So is this something worth trying? Is it even legal in the states?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    That was about as sarcastic as it gets. It a scam dude, its frgging Ginseng, you know what that is? Don't waste your money.

  11. #11
    Yeah I know what Ginseng is. I thought you were just trying to say that it was also in the product. lol I didnt know you were trying to say it was worthless. haha I gotch ya now. I feel really stupid right now. Oh well.
    Last edited by bodybuild1469; 10-06-2005 at 12:08 AM.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Made In Ohio.
    shit... too bad it's a scam kuz that sounds like something that would blow up in the states. oh well... i guess i'll just have to be patient until they rly come out with something like that for real

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