if u do not get the sides of cramps while on clen is there need to supplement taurine.. i take 1g a day but dont get any cramps
if u do not get the sides of cramps while on clen is there need to supplement taurine.. i take 1g a day but dont get any cramps
take 2-5g ed, even if your not getting cramps.
whats the purpose for this tho?
"Moreover, as previously noted in Part I, consistent clenbuterol use invariably leads to direct decreases in intracellular taurine and potassium concentrations (10) at higher doses. Taurine, as an important osmoregulator of cell-volume, is a very important asset to performance and plays a key role in signal transduction, muscle contraction, cardio-protection, protein synthesis, and cellular hydration in general (11,12,13,14). Thus, taurine supplementation in the 3-5g/day range should be considered an essential adjunct to clenbuterol use. Potassium supplementation, or a diet containing plenty of potassium-rich foods, would also likely help attenuate some of clenbuterol’s antagonistic effects towards exercise performance. "
agree that taurine supplementation is essential when taking clenbuterol. Alsa agree with pottasium supplementation. Magnesium should also be added as well as ALCAR for its cardio protective effects.
alright thanks guys
clen depletes taurine...so..it would be smart to supplement with it. It will tend to make you more dehydrated anyway..so drink a lot more water than usual too.
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