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Thread: Comming of gear to natural...Can i still make gains ?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2004

    Comming of gear to natural...Can i still make gains ?

    Been on for quite a while now, too long infact, i need some time of steroids so i plan on training natural for 3 months but would still like to gain...

    If just purchased some Twinlabs Super Gainers fule which contains 2580 calories per serving ! Hopefully this should allow me to still gain weight, what else can i take to keep gaining ? Whats the best creatine available out there ? Will tribulus help me gain ? I want to take everything i can, any more suggestions ?

  2. #2
    2580calories/serving. That's a quick way to get FAT. You need to follow PCT protocol and Get your diet and training in order. I'd be more concerned with keeping what you have then gaining in your situation.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Iv got Clen Nolva Clomid and HCG for PCT...The weight gainer contains no sugar, i also have a fast matabolism and im quite a hard gainer so i dont think il get FAT off one tub or hopefully not

    Heres the Nutritional Info :

    Calories 2560
    Calories from Fat 240
    Total Fat 27g 42%
    Saturated Fat 25g 125%
    Dietary Fiber 2g 8%
    Sugars 35g
    Carbohydrates 478g 159%

    Is it full of fat ?

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by needbigguns
    Iv got Clen Nolva Clomid and HCG for PCT...The weight gainer contains no sugar, i also have a fast matabolism and im quite a hard gainer so i dont think il get FAT off one tub or hopefully not

    Heres the Nutritional Info :

    Calories 2560
    Calories from Fat 240
    Total Fat 27g 42%
    Saturated Fat 25g 125%
    Dietary Fiber 2g 8%
    Sugars 35g
    Carbohydrates 478g 159%

    Is it full of fat ?
    I wouldn't eat that if someone paid me! What are you talking about "The weight gainer contains no sugar". There is 35g's! And 25g of Saturated fat in one serving. You didn't list protein either, the most important ingredient? List your current diet, that is where your problem lies. This supplement is not the answer.

    You really haven't provided enough info about yourself or the cycle you are coming off of to help you anyway. Goodluck to you.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    102 grams of protein

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    i shouldnt get fat off that for a month should i when comming off the gear ? Hopefully it will maintain my weight, then il switch to a different weight gainer

  7. #7
    dont use HCG and clomid during pct..drop the hcg for pct...

  8. #8
    Eat your weight gainer if it makes you happy. I was simply stating there are far better ways to gain LBM. This is not one of them. No you won't get fat in one month of taking this stuff, but you deff. won't gain muscle either. IMO it is a waste of calories you could have used on solid foods. Have fun.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    the gym
    Quote Originally Posted by needbigguns
    Been on for quite a while now, too long infact, i need some time of steroids so i plan on training natural for 3 months but would still like to gain...

    If just purchased some Twinlabs Super Gainers fule which contains 2580 calories per serving ! Hopefully this should allow me to still gain weight, what else can i take to keep gaining ? Whats the best creatine available out there ? Will tribulus help me gain ? I want to take everything i can, any more suggestions ?

    Itried this before, it doesnt work too well. However I did manage to stay off for almost 6 weeks this time!!!

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