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Thread: clenbuterol

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    San Diego

    Question clenbuterol

    I was advised to take clenbuterol to take it to aid in the lose of fat. Has anyon used it or heard anything about it? PLease help me out i was also advised to use Stan QV 10. thanx for any help.

  2. #2
    clen is a very effective fat burner, but ofcourse it needs to be used correctly.......slowly upping the dosage to allow your body the chance to get use to it is very important. I personally tried it and found that I was WAYY to sensitive to it, and i did it completely by the book......very shaky, and i could feel my heart just vibrating in my chest......there are 45654324 million posts full of info on clen, and probably a stick or 2......go check those out and you'll learn a ton about it

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by gymnewbie
    I was advised to take clenbuterol to take it to aid in the lose of fat. Has anyon used it or heard anything about it? PLease help me out i was also advised to use Stan QV 10. thanx for any help.
    diet and cardio first bro, dont take anything that you dont know about, especially things that can mess with your hormones (QV)

  4. #4
    Im taking it now actually, I dont think my dosage is high enough tho..

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    what dose?

  6. #6
    For a beginner, 20-80mcg ED will do. Only increase the dose if you can tolerate the sides. Gradually build your way up. Take benedryl every third week for the whole week. Supplement with taurine at 3-5 ED. Drink plenty of water. Carry a water bottle with you everywhere.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

  8. #8
    im at 100mcg ed now..thinking im gonna bump it up to 120

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by chest6
    im at 100mcg ed now..thinking im gonna bump it up to 120
    My hands shake at 40mcg ED. Can you keep your hands from shaking at 100mcg? My ex-girlfriend once told me it looked like I had Parkingson's Disease when I would try to grasp something. The thing is, I can't pass up its fat burning effects.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by striker93
    My hands shake at 40mcg ED. Can you keep your hands from shaking at 100mcg? My ex-girlfriend once told me it looked like I had Parkingson's Disease when I would try to grasp something. The thing is, I can't pass up its fat burning effects.
    sure..they shake I just dont see that much in terms of results..

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by chest6
    sure..they shake I just dont see that much in terms of results..
    I thought the same thing, at first. After a couple of weeks, I could really notice the vascularity coming out. I was very lean at the time, though, so I could see improvement fairly easy. If you have a higher bodyfat percentage, like I do now, it will be harder to see the difference. Once you go off the product, you notice your bodyfat level will start to increase. It sounds like your batch is potent so just give it some time. Actually, how many weeks have you used it for?

  12. #12
    I start week 3 tmr..hopefully i dont have a rebound effect..I dont see why if I keep my diet the same..

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by chest6
    I start week 3 tmr..hopefully i dont have a rebound effect..I dont see why if I keep my diet the same..
    I got a rebound effect while supplementing with 3g of taurine. My dose was 160mcg./day. I guess I should have bumped up the dose to 5g of taurine ED.

  14. #14
    ya and im only on 2g. I guess I'll load up on the taurine before Im done

  15. #15
    I purchased my taurine in powder form and used a measuring spoon to make out my doses. It will save you some money.

  16. #16
    I think I may do friend has a whole tub he doesnt want anymore..

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