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Thread: advice is needed

  1. #1 advice is needed

    i've been training for 1.5 years with few months stoping in height is 176cm and weight is 196lb ....i would like to increase my weight to is my daily time table:

    7:00am: 3eggs and whey protein shake(24g protein)
    10:00am: hotdog and beef sandwish with orange juice
    12:00pm: whey protein shake(24gprotein)
    2:00pm: half chicken,rice and salad
    5:00pm: one pack of animal-M-stack
    7:00pm: tuna fish
    7:30pm: animal pack
    8:15pm: animal stack2 + creatine monohydrate
    8:45pm: going to gym and working out till 10:45pm
    11:00pm: whey protein shake
    11:10pm: 3 hamburgers + french fries
    12:00pm: going to sleep.

    a)do u think that my weight will increase if i remain on this time table???
    b)am i talking the animal products,creatine and protein at the right time of the day??
    c)is it better to stay on these supplements or shall i switch to steroids??

    i really need your help....since im so confused.....

    thanks for your co-operation.....

    sorry for the poor language

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by the_mtz
    i've been training for 1.5 years with few months stoping in height is 176cm and weight is 196lb ....i would like to increase my weight to is my daily time table:

    7:00am: 3eggs and whey protein shake(24g protein)
    10:00am: hotdog and beef sandwish with orange juice
    12:00pm: whey protein shake(24gprotein)
    2:00pm: half chicken,rice and salad
    5:00pm: one pack of animal-M-stack
    7:00pm: tuna fish
    7:30pm: animal pack
    8:15pm: animal stack2 + creatine monohydrate
    8:45pm: going to gym and working out till 10:45pm
    11:00pm: whey protein shake
    11:10pm: 3 hamburgers + french fries
    12:00pm: going to sleep.

    a)do u think that my weight will increase if i remain on this time table???
    b)am i talking the animal products,creatine and protein at the right time of the day??
    c)is it better to stay on these supplements or shall i switch to steroids??

    i really need your help....since im so confused.....

    thanks for your co-operation.....

    sorry for the poor language
    i think u meant diet advice is needed, not pro advice

    those are nutrient calculators, use them to get the grams of pro/carb/fat per meal and ur daily calorie count

    workouts should be one hour, might be overtaining, post ur routine

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by the_mtz
    i've been training for 1.5 years with few months stoping in height is 176cm and weight is 196lb ....i would like to increase my weight to is my daily time table:

    7:00am: 3eggs and whey protein shake(24g protein) take this shake out. Go with egg whites and oats
    10:00am: hotdog and beef sandwish with orange juice have a lot of tuning up to do. Lean protein source here with some good fats (example: turkey and flax) Could also be a pro/carb meal as well
    12:00pm: whey protein shake(24gprotein) another need for this many shakes. make pro/fat meal like lean steak or something
    2:00pm: half chicken,rice and salad
    5:00pm: one pack of animal-M-stack
    7:00pm: tuna fish add mayo
    7:30pm: animal pack
    8:15pm: animal stack2 + creatine monohydrate Personally I would add a pro/carb preworkout shake her with oats...while bulking
    8:45pm: going to gym and working out till 10:45pm
    11:00pm: whey protein shake you need a fast acting carbohydrate here..I like dextrose
    1145pm: 3 hamburgers + french fries no. Make this 2 chicken breasts and brown rice...Post Post Workout Meal
    12:00am: going to sleep.

    a)do u think that my weight will increase if i remain on this time table???
    b)am i talking the animal products,creatine and protein at the right time of the day??
    c)is it better to stay on these supplements or shall i switch to steroids??

    i really need your help....since im so confused.....

    thanks for your co-operation.....

    sorry for the poor language
    You have it right..stay with the supplements.
    Im going to go ahead and turn this into a diet forum response, since your question involves diet moreso than supplements. Not really buying the diet tho.. Too many shakes. Burger and french fries? Corrections in bold.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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  5. #5
    from my experiences only... depends on the end look you want. ill tell ya right now, that i dont think you're eating enough. not for the amount of lbs you want to put on. and depends on how fast you want that look depends on what you eat. at one time, i was at a brick wall weighing 185lbs. couldnt bust thru 190 to get to 200lbs. so i went on a major eating mission. i was consuming like 9000+ calories a day. mostly proteins and fats (not all fat is bad), and like one carb rich meal/day. my other meals had some carbs too, but not a lot. after like a month or so of that, i busted thru to like 195lbs, then i started cutting down on my calories and what i was eating back to normal.

    you definalty need to eat more. you need to cut out crap like hamburgers and fries at 11pm cuz that just adds fat to your body. from my experience, shakes were big calorie intakers. had a high calorie meal replacement, and added stuff like peanut butter/honey/etc to it with 2% milk. i did 3 a day. it was just easier than making all those meals with working full time/gym/school. at breakfast (few hours after a shake), id have like 2 giant breakfast burritos. basically, i didnt eat horrible horrible, but i didnt eat clean either. i just ate.

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