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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2002


    This will be my first run with these 2 supplements, so sorry for the newbie?'s 1. Can I stack Alcar with my ECA stack prior to lifting? Is that safe?
    2. when is the best time to take Alcar? How much?
    My research with glucorell as of late says to take it 5-10 min prior to meals.
    3. Does this include protien also?
    also last thing but what about with my PWO shake, some say yes, and some No.. SO???? All info is greatly appreciated

  2. #2
    1. yes. yes
    2. in between meals and with stims. 500mg-1g per serving up to 2g per day (some reccomend higher). yes take the glucorell prior to meals
    3. yes. yes, though some people will skip(its definitely the time when you will need it least with respect to glucose uptake, but other benefits- including anti-oxident effects still make it quite desireable). With res

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by macrophage69alpha
    1. yes. yes
    2. in between meals and with stims. 500mg-1g per serving up to 2g per day (some reccomend higher). yes take the glucorell prior to meals
    3. yes. yes, though some people will skip(its definitely the time when you will need it least with respect to glucose uptake, but other benefits- including anti-oxident effects still make it quite desireable). With res
    Thanks again bro, I was hoping to get a response from you cause you seem to be very educated with these 2 suppl., as well as many others. One last thing, sorry if I missed it,,,, but when would be the ideal times to use alcar? How much each time? I think in an old thread you said to use it with the r-ala, but not sure. Thanks again

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by kman
    Thanks again bro, I was hoping to get a response from you cause you seem to be very educated with these 2 suppl., as well as many others. One last thing, sorry if I missed it,,,, but when would be the ideal times to use alcar? How much each time? I think in an old thread you said to use it with the r-ala, but not sure. Thanks again
    take between meals and with stims

    dosing is generally 2 -3 times a day

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