Is it worth to take Creatine or not, and ifyes, should it be taken before or the workout or after the workout? and which 1 is the best as far as results are concern or they all almost the same
have a little knowledge about it so guys fill me in
Is it worth to take Creatine or not, and ifyes, should it be taken before or the workout or after the workout? and which 1 is the best as far as results are concern or they all almost the same
have a little knowledge about it so guys fill me in
this belongs in the supplement forum, but i'll take a stab at it. people have different opinions on creatine, some like it, some don't. i personally like it, but i tend to retain more water while i'm on it which is definitely a downside. as for different types, i've found ethyl ester to be the most effective. i take it in the form of a pill, 2500 mg in the morning and 2500 mg half hour before workout. gives a pretty nice pump.
NoXplode. 15 minutes before workouts.
Research suggests that it is definitely worth taking.
"research" is complete BS in my opinion. no flame whatsoever, but I don't need some person to tell me what works in my body. like i said, some people love it and some people don't care for it. your body will tell you, not some guy drawing up "scientific research." sorry, had to rant just a little.
i would take it. youll get some strength and a little water retention. ive always used EAS phosphagen hp its worked the best for me. take it after workout, atleast 5 grams.
Research is not BS, my friend. BS is BS.Originally Posted by hawktribal
Everything we know to be "true" in physics, chemistry, physiology, you name it, comes from research. There's no other way to find things out in a reliable way.
And who is this research typically done by? The companies who sell the products. Of course if I work for Nitrotech and I "research" Cell Tech all my research subjects are going to gain 10 lbs. of clean muscle.
All I'm saying is be careful what you read. Creatine hasn't worked for everybody, it's individual. If it isn't working for you, who cares what research says?
No xplode is not a creatine suppliment, phosphagen is good, so is cell tech, but there both the same basic recipe, and over priced, go to yahoo and search homemade cell tech. A link will come up that says homemade cell tech and phosphagen eas or smething like that, follow that recipe, its the shit, n cheap
Well, let's make an important distinction, here.
When I say "research", I'm not talking about marketing tactics by companies like MuscleTech. No, I'm talking about research. The real deal Holyfield trials conducted at universities.
And just because a supplement company sometimes funds research, it does not automatically mean that the research is biased. If the findings of the research can be replicated in other studies, then there's a damn good chance the research is legit.
When it comes to creatine, that has been the case. Research has shown over and over again that creatine, in general, does indeed provide a significant benefit to resistance-training athletes.
Does that mean it's going to work for everyone? Of course not. There's always going to be a small percentage of the population that does not react favorably to a given substance. That's just the way it is, statistically speaking.
Yes it is.Originally Posted by Machdiesel
I like creatine ethyl ester. I take about 5 grams split in half. Half 30-45 mins before and half 30-45 mins after my workout. No loading is necessary and I only take it on lifting days. I have been putting on some size and strength gainsn have been very good.
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