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Thread: Best pro testosterone booster?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2005

    Best pro testosterone booster?

    Hello. I am 31 years of age and for the longest i have been thinking about buying a testosterone booster supplement. Now that prohormones have been banned or being banned i can no longer get m1t. I was wondering what is the best natural testosterone boosting product out there or are they all marketing scams..I found some stuff that is called m1t extreme..witch users on the website claim its the most potent product and they have had huge gains in mass..Also the people who make the product say it is the best out there and that it could eventually be banned..Now they do offer a 100 percent guarentee that it will work or they will give u your money back. No questions asked! Please tell me if u have tried any product or if this one im thinking about buying is worth it. I cannot post a link but u can search for M1T EXTREME and that will bring it up. Im ready to boost my testosterone levels because i believe i can achieve alot more right now doing that. Im doing great as it is on my stack but i want something to throw me over that ledge..if u know what i mean...Thanks..

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Im sorry ..type in muscle extreme and u will find it.

  3. #3
    I don't knw anything about M1T extreme (hate the name though) but 6-oxo and ATD both have good user feedback. I wouldn't be expecting pro-hormone type results with them though.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    6-oxo is real good so is tribex and i also like vitrix. i recommend taking 6-oxo and tribex together.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by jeff74
    Hello. I am 31 years of age and for the longest i have been thinking about buying a testosterone booster supplement. Now that prohormones have been banned or being banned i can no longer get m1t. I was wondering what is the best natural testosterone boosting product out there or are they all marketing scams..I found some stuff that is called m1t extreme..witch users on the website claim its the most potent product and they have had huge gains in mass..Also the people who make the product say it is the best out there and that it could eventually be banned..Now they do offer a 100 percent guarentee that it will work or they will give u your money back. No questions asked! Please tell me if u have tried any product or if this one im thinking about buying is worth it. I cannot post a link but u can search for M1T EXTREME and that will bring it up. Im ready to boost my testosterone levels because i believe i can achieve alot more right now doing that. Im doing great as it is on my stack but i want something to throw me over that ledge..if u know what i mean...Thanks..
    What is the ingredient(s) in M1T Extreme?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Just type muscle extreme in yahoo search and link will be very first one. Still im about to buy one so if anyone can give me some feadback on this i would greatly appreciate it. Seems too good to be true..but they do offer 100 percent money back guarentee no questions asked..they are that sure that it will work for you.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by jeff74
    Just type muscle extreme in yahoo search and link will be very first one. Still im about to buy one so if anyone can give me some feadback on this i would greatly appreciate it. Seems too good to be true..but they do offer 100 percent money back guarentee no questions asked..they are that sure that it will work for you.
    I went to the site that you were talking about but I couldn't find what the ingredient(s) was(were). Is is it similar to Superdrol?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    It looks like it is a bunch of natty test boosters (some ingredients include Tongkat, Tribulus and vitex i believe....seems like the combo of ingredients are decent, but i would be wary on the quality of the company).

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Ok going to give it a try and order one. I guess i cant go wrong since they have 100 percent money back guarantee. I will post my results from using this product when i get it. Thanks again.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by jeff74
    Ok going to give it a try and order one. I guess i cant go wrong since they have 100 percent money back guarantee. I will post my results from using this product when i get it. Thanks again.
    If it doesn't work, try arimidex and tongkat ali. That's what I using right now. 0.5mg of arimidex and 4 Redkat (tongkat) Pills ED for 1 month. I thinking of throwing some tribulus in there as well.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    On AR's Forum
    NxCare Nitro T3

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