OK this is a very basic outline of Glutamine.
Glutamine is an amino acid widely used to maintain good brain functioning. Glutamine is a derivative of glutamic acid which is synthesized from the amino acids arginine, ornithine and proline. Glutamine
improves mental alertness, clarity of thinking and mood. It is found in animal proteins.
Glutamic acid is also a precursor of GABA, an important neurotransmitter in the central nervous system. Glutamic acid helps transport potassium into the spinal fluid and is itself an excitatory neurotransmitter.
Because glutamic acid cannot cross the blood brain barrier, where most of the metabolism takes place,
glutamine, which can cross this barrier, works better in supplement form. Glutamine can also be used by
cells like glucose for metabolic energy. Thus is popular in athletic supplements.
If you weight train, chances are you need more glutamine than couch potato's.BB normally use between 10-15 a day and the avg person needs to consume btween 2-4 g a day Glutamine is the most plentiful free amino acid in the body's muscle tissue. L-Glutamine plays a very important role in protein metabolism,
cell volumizing, and anti-catabolism, which means that it may help prevent your muscle's breakdown.
Under periods of stress like really intense workouts, glutamine becomes critical because your body may not
be able to make enough of it. But studies show that glutamine supplementation is an effective way to replace these declining levels and thus maintain peak athletic performance.
Hope this helps to clear up some confusion