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Thread: Superdrol,pheraplex,Ergomax....

  1. #1


    I happen to have them all right now, my dilema is which one should I take? From what I have gathered it would be a bad idea to stack Ergomax with either the SD or the phera. I have taken SD in the past with some pretty decent gains, so I guess my question here is, which one do I try first?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    i just finished an e-max cycle and wasnt too impressed. some decent strength gains, but i think my hairline began to recede for first time ever and the acne was pretty bad on my face.
    sd cycle a few months ago went much better. am looking to try a pp cycle next after my current pct.

  3. #3
    i did superdrol over the summer... gained around 12 pounds of muscle in 4 weeks... highly reccommended... but i've also heard it isnt as potent the second time round... ur body gets used to it or something... u could stack it with prop though, that would be a good cycle!

  4. #4
    After some research I decided t ogive the pheraplex a try, I already tried the SD so I might aswell try something new. I just hope I can hold off the more androgenic sides that it offers. Mostly the acne and the anger. haha

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