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Thread: Whats a good High Protien, and fairly cheap bar?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2001

    Whats a good High Protien, and fairly cheap bar?

    I was looking at them atkins diet bars, and OMG! its crazy. $2.67 a bar.



  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 1969
    Outside your bedroom wind

    I don't really care, some might give you crap, because it's in the wrong forum..but..

    Go to Supplement Forum, and look at the

    Poll: What is your Favorite Protein bars.

    It will answer most of your questions.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    isopure cherry vannila,or labrada

  4. #4
    Ranger Guest
    Let Ole Ranger hook ya up my young Brother.....

    Ranger Gorp Bars

    12 to 20 scoops of protein powder(high protein, low carbs)
    4 packs of oatmeal
    half a jar of all natural peanut butter
    6 tabs(crushed) Vit. B-6
    6 tabs(crushed) Ginger Root
    Spring Water
    Cinn. and Nutmeg to taste
    12 egg whites(cooked and crushed)

    Mix everything in a large bowl, add spring water, stir, nuke in the microwave, add more spring water, repeat process until desired thickness

    roll out on wax paper, cut into bars, or roll into balls and wrap individually in wax paper for quick snacks....Me??? I just eat it right out da jug....great for pre, and post workouts....and you can make as much as you want, cover with Choc. add you own special flavors....etc. Let your imagination be your guide....

    Before you ask....the B-6 and Ginger Root help with added protein absorbtion....



  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    There is no place like ho
    Man rang you da man.. Printin..

  6. #6
    Ranger Guest
    Type feller I am Bro....Who wants to pay 3$ a bar for protein, when ya can make'um yerself much cheaper....heh heh heh


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2001

    i knwo i'll prob get shit for it

    but i eat promax bars.they only have 20gms of protein but i get so much protein from other sources that it's like my "candy bar" meal.they are $1 a piece and you can't go wrong w/ that.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Thanks ranger, I'm making the shit tonight...I need something to take to work as well.


  9. #9
    Ranger Guest
    Enjoy Bro.....


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    New York

    High Protien Bars

    Do you want high protein, or high protein and low carbs too? A lot of the "high protein" bars have a lot of sugar, and if you want to limit the carb intake you need to stay away from them. Atkins is low in carbs, so are Biochem Lo Carb bars, Dr.'s Diet, and Revolution bars.

    If you order over the web, I find usually has pretty good prices. The Atkins bars that you say you have seen for $2.67 are sold at Netrition for $1.66 My personal preference is for the Dr.’s Diet bars, because they taste like real candy bars, while only containing about 2g of carb and adding about 25g of protein.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    There is no place like ho
    You guys know how I am about carbs, I buy these damn boxes of the bars called "Carb Control" low carbs and 22 grams of protein per bar, taste pretty good too. They have like 3 grams of carbs, and loaded with other stuff. I eat one every mornin for breakfast along with a few berled eggs. (Just call me the gas man). Maybe we down south are the only ones' that have em. I thnk I pay about 5 bucks for a box of about 10 or so. They also make the shakes too, good stuff. Hang on let me go get the name brand. BRB.. ok hell they are called "Carb Solutions" with 2 grams of fat and 6 bars in a box. About 5 bucks, so less than a dollar a bar. You guys might want to check them out.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    So Cal
    Damn $5 a box I was paying 9 (still cheap as hell) at sams club for those same bars. I also have been eating Eas Advantedge. I acutely like way the advantedge taste better and the protein is 26 and carbs are 2.5.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2001

    Re: High Protien Bars

    Originally posted by beenie
    Do you want high protein, or high protein and low carbs too? A lot of the "high protein" bars have a lot of sugar, and if you want to limit the carb intake you need to stay away from them. Atkins is low in carbs, so are Biochem Lo Carb bars, Dr.'s Diet, and Revolution bars.
    Most "protein bars" are nothing but candy bars with protein. The Atkins bars may be expensive, but they dont have a lot of junk in them.

  14. #14
    ptbyjason Guest

    Re: Re: High Protien Bars

    Originally posted by BigWill

    Most "protein bars" are nothing but candy bars with protein. The Atkins bars may be expensive, but they dont have a lot of junk in them.
    Unfortunately they also leave out the protein. Not much worth eating in my opinion. If I eat a bar I want close to 30 grams, otherwise you can forget it.

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