what do yall think is better in giving strenght and lean muscle mass and why.
i know how to cycle sd do u do m1t the same but whut is the normal dosage
what do yall think is better in giving strenght and lean muscle mass and why.
i know how to cycle sd do u do m1t the same but whut is the normal dosage
10mg is normal for m1t dosage. some users did 20mg but 10mg is the norm.
i would choose sd just because it was alot dryer than m1t and the sides were far easier on me.
What were your gains on sd copenhagen? Stats plz.
i am 5foot9 194lbs 9%bf
i went from 176 to around 192. i lost 3 pounds during pct. great supplement, very nice strength gains.
what strength gains did you see as in bench and squat? Nice gains btw. Are you a hard gainer?
M1T will add more mass, and strength... but it tends to bloat users. Superdrol is more of a dry mass increase. Kinda like comparing Dbol to Tbol.
no, i am not hardgainer, i really don't lift for strength but my usual lifts went up 20-35lbs.
i took m1t for 6 days and my weight went for 149-155 of course it was all water but for some reason i had really bad insomnia i couldnt sleep at all but i was oddly always tired, on my 6th day i was a walking zombie so i said f this crap, im about to try a pp cycle in a week and a half.. cant wait.
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