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Thread: Clen/ECA Benadryl

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2005

    Clen/ECA Benadryl

    I was wondering on taking benadryl on the 2 off days in between the 2 on 2 off cycle of clen as stated in the Clen Handbook...

    In other words

    2 weeks ECA
    Following 2 days nothing but 100mgs benadryl each night
    Then start 2 weeks Clen
    Repeat for 6 or 8 weeks

    I was asking in regards to the Ephedrine and Clen using the same 2-beta receptors...

    So logical or pointless?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    this thread might get better attention somewhere else but i honestly prefer 2weeks on 2 weeks off...the 2 weeks off my supp intake was crazy because i was so worried about being catabolic while cutting down...i was taking lots of glutamine, bcaas, acetyl l-carnitine...not that those supps are out of the ordinary but my intake was extensive.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2005
    True, im gonna up my Glutamine and might use acetyl l-carnitine, but i heard mixed things about it... I haven't incorporated a calorie deficit into my cut just yet, my goal is a slow and steady cut, gonna diet for about 4 months, goal is to drop bout 8-10 lbs... who knows if thats realistic

    Anyone else have opinions?


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Jakspro
    True, im gonna up my Glutamine and might use acetyl l-carnitine, but i heard mixed things about it... I haven't incorporated a calorie deficit into my cut just yet, my goal is a slow and steady cut, gonna diet for about 4 months, goal is to drop bout 8-10 lbs... who knows if thats realistic

    Anyone else have opinions?

    thats definitely realistic...and if you were in a caloric deficit for 4 months you should lose atleast 16 pounds.

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