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Thread: Question abount clenbutrx (I dont want to have a heart attack)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    In the field, hunting for poonany

    Question abount clenbutrx (I dont want to have a heart attack)

    whats up everyone, I recently read the article posted by weakass that was previously written by john stamatoplous sp? about forbidden supp stacks. Here is a clip from the article....

    ) E/C/A + Yohimbine.

    ln a study held in 1998, when overweight and obese people were given a combination of Ephedrine, Caffeine and Yohimbe stack, and asked to exercise, the doctors that did the study found that the addition of Yohimbine (10mg/d) increased blood pressure and heart rate while decreasing the heart's efficiency of pumping blood! This increased the load on the heart during work or exercise that could potentially lead to a heart attack or stroke! But Ephedrine (50mg/d) + Caffeine (400mg/d) alone, had no such effect on heart function. So forget any supplement product on the market that has all of them at the same time, and forget any combination like that, for your own good. Reference: "Cardiovascular effects of Ephedrine, Caffeine and Yohimbine measured by thoracic electrical bioimpedance". Clin. Physiol.1998


    My question is, I am currently taking Clenbutrx which contains yohimbe extract and I was wondering if that is the same as yohimbine? Is it bad for me to be taking this because I just got a new bottle. If it is what is the next best alternative because this shit really jacks me up. If it is true how come there has been no posts? I've searched for awhile about clenbutrx. Thanks in advance everyone!


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    In the field, hunting for poonany
    I know there is a brief comment on this in the actual forbidden supp thread but can anyone expand on it? how bad will it be if i finish 360cc's?

    peace i take 3 cc's a day just once a day
    Last edited by Farmer; 05-24-2002 at 04:29 PM.

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