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Thread: Pct

  1. #1


    I was wondering if rebound xt will be enough of a pct for anabolic extremes max lmg and prostanozol, or people who have used this stacked tried something else that worked better.

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by wist0025
    I was wondering if rebound xt will be enough of a pct for anabolic extremes max lmg and prostanozol, or people who have used this stacked tried something else that worked better.
    I would use nolva over Rebound XT (an AI, not a SERM). I'm currently doing a Phera Plex cycle right now. My PCT will involve Nolva, Retain, Perfect Cycle, PCT, and niacin/fish oils.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    New Joisey
    Quote Originally Posted by Papi93
    I would use nolva over Rebound XT (an AI, not a SERM). I'm currently doing a Phera Plex cycle right now. My PCT will involve Nolva, Retain, Perfect Cycle, PCT, and niacin/fish oils.
    hey papi just curious whatchu takn for your liver?? startn my pp cycle next week and gonna post a pic log, u think the standard milk thistle/NAC is sufficient?? i have enough thistle to run 500mg for 4 weeks but im thinking i should buy more.

  4. #4
    So i take it nolva is the samething as Tamox, because thats what pops up when i click on it. Also is one bottle sufficient enough to take alone or will i need retain also (which i was thinking about taking before) i have everything else you mentioned

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    in a dilapidated apt.
    IMO i would take the Retain as well...

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69
    hey papi just curious whatchu takn for your liver?? startn my pp cycle next week and gonna post a pic log, u think the standard milk thistle/NAC is sufficient?? i have enough thistle to run 500mg for 4 weeks but im thinking i should buy more.
    I'm taking the Perfect Cycle for my liver protection product. Check out the description at anabolic xtreme dot com.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by wist0025
    So i take it nolva is the samething as Tamox, because thats what pops up when i click on it. Also is one bottle sufficient enough to take alone or will i need retain also (which i was thinking about taking before) i have everything else you mentioned
    Nolva = Tomax. One bottle is plenty. I would take Retain (cortisol blocker), also, like novastepp said.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    da dirty south
    go with nolva can never be to cautious

  9. #9
    At what dosages should i take the nolva, I m 225 and probably gonna run the max lmg for 4 weeks or so?

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by wist0025
    At what dosages should i take the nolva, I m 225 and probably gonna run the max lmg for 4 weeks or so?
    40mg for the first two weeks and 20mg for the last two weeks.

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