ok.well i got a bottle of sd and want to do a cycle before i ship out to basic forthe airforce in april.
here are a list of the sapporting supps that i think i need.
milk thistle,nolva,hawthorne berry,red yeast rice,fishoil/flax.
here is what i have so far:
week one:10 mg sd ed
milk thistle ed(dosage not sure)
redyeast rice(dosage not sure)
hawthornce berry(not sure)
week two:20 mg sd ed
milk thistle ed(dosage not sure)
redyeast rice(dosage not sure)
hawthornce berry(not sure)
week three:30 mg sd ed
milk thistle ed(dosage not sure)
redyeast rice(dosage not sure)
hawthornce berry(not sure)
nothing yet
ok i know during the cycle along with the sd i need to take all these but im not sure the exact the dosage.
ive done alot of reading but there are so many diff diarys out there and there all diff.
i just want to be safe