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Thread: superdrol cycle.need a little help guys

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2005

    superdrol cycle.need a little help guys

    ok.well i got a bottle of sd and want to do a cycle before i ship out to basic forthe airforce in april.

    here are a list of the sapporting supps that i think i need.

    milk thistle,nolva,hawthorne berry,red yeast rice,fishoil/flax.

    here is what i have so far:

    week one:10 mg sd ed
    milk thistle ed(dosage not sure)
    redyeast rice(dosage not sure)
    hawthornce berry(not sure)
    week two:20 mg sd ed
    milk thistle ed(dosage not sure)
    redyeast rice(dosage not sure)
    hawthornce berry(not sure)
    week three:30 mg sd ed
    milk thistle ed(dosage not sure)
    redyeast rice(dosage not sure)
    hawthornce berry(not sure)

    nothing yet

    ok i know during the cycle along with the sd i need to take all these but im not sure the exact the dosage.

    ive done alot of reading but there are so many diff diarys out there and there all diff.

    i just want to be safe

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    you need to add some flush free niacin.

    nolva should be 40mg for the first week of pct then 20mg for the remaining two.

    milk thistle should be around 1200mg hawthorn berry 1500mg ryr 1500mg

    good luck bro

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    hey thanks alot,here is a list of stuff i am ordering tomorow.

    red yeast rice,fish oil pills,hawthorne berry,saw palmetto,coenzume q10,

    and nolva

    so ill just follow proper servings for all the following supps and then 40 mg of nolva for the first week of pct then 20 mg the next

    im going to look up some niacin rite now.any more help would be appreciated.let me know if any of the supps im going to be orderign are not needed and if i need to get something else

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2005

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    make sure it is FLUSH FREE niacin.....don't buy it unless it says that on the bottle

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    for gonna get some tomrow at a place near me that sells does all the other stuff look good.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Hell's Kitchen
    Wussup Diponyou,
    I am running SD also.. Will start next Monday. I have pretty much every thing you got except for the red yeast rice (for cholesterol) I am using a product called Censor instead. It supports Heart health as well as assisting in maintaining already "normal" cholesterol levels. I heard that red yeast rice was to be used for ppl who have or are prone to cholestorol issues. Censor, has oils and othe shit that are better for the joints also. It seemed like an overall better supplement.. Does any1 know any different??

    And also I picked up the "No Flush Niacin 500" at GNC.. I could'nt find the "Flush Free Niacin" that everyone was talking about. I dont know if this is the same shit..

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    thats when im starting nex monday.
    i got everything except the nolva gonna order tomorow.
    heres what i just bouhgt.

    red yeast rice
    flax oil seeds
    no flush niacin
    milk thistle
    hawthorne berry

    and a big ass thing of protein.

    and going to order nolva 2moro from

    its only 22 bucks.

    let me no if i need anything else.thanks for the help

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Hell's Kitchen
    diponyou, That's cool bro. We are both starting the SD around the same time. These are the differences I heard about Nolva from Arr and

    "Nolva from arr tastes awsome but it gives me dry eyes and so does arr's letro. i have nolva from and i don't seem to get any sides from it but it tastes like feckin shit".

    Nolva from Arr costs $45 plus 10 shipping. You say Nolva from costs $22?? I wonder if the price difference has anything to do with its quality? HIt me back. 1

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    jus go hit that site looks friend used ti and it worked good.didnt talk about any sides jus mainly it tastes like shit.yea keep in contact so i know how ur cycle is doing

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