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    Papi93's Phera Plex Workout Log

    I ran my Phera Plex Cycle with 20mg ED for 4 weeks. I decided to start my Phera Plex doses on 1/21/06. I wanted it into my system before I started my first workout of the week.
    My support supplements were fish oil capsules, niacin, and The Perfect Cycle. I should have included something for blood pressure but didn't want to break the bank account so I picked the supplements that I considered the most important. I'm no supplement guru, I'm a training guru so I definitely have room for improvement with my cycle and PCT suggestions. Any help will be appreciated! Here we go!
    Last edited by Papi93; 02-17-2006 at 10:46 AM.

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    My program design involves two upper body days and two lower body days. I am not a bodybuilder, I am a former martial artist. Currently, I'm looking into getting back into shape to get back in again. I'm just starting my journey.

    Decline Barbell Press 200(5)/205(5)/210(5)/215(5)
    DB Bench Press 75(6)/80(6)/85(6)/90(6)
    Seated Cable Rows 160(8)/160(8)/160(8)/160(8)
    Seated, Chest-Supported Machine Rows 85(12)/85(12)/85(12)
    Ab Machine 50(11)/60(8)/60(8)/60(8)

  3. #3
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    I'm going to use the decline press as an example of my strength gains. Before I started my Phera Plex cycle I was having to gradually increase my resistance on the decline press. For example, I would do 4 sets of 5 reps with 190lbs one week and 4 sets of 5 reps with 195lbs the next week. As you can see now, I'm almost increasing by 5lbs on every set!

  4. #4
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    Box Squats 145(5)/155(5)/160(5)/165(5)
    Back Extensions 15(6)/20(6)/25(6)/25(6)
    Single-Leg Squats, Back-Leg Elevated 9/9/9
    Dumbbell Shrugs 85(5)/90(5)/95(5)

  5. #5
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    My first two workouts are for strength and the last two workouts are for hypertrophy.

    Bench Presses 160(8)/165(8)/170(8)
    Lying Triceps Extensions 90(5)/90(5)/90(5)
    Lat Pulldowns to the Front 160(6)/160(6)/160(6)
    Seated DB Shoulder Presses 55(8)/55(8)/55(8)
    Preacher Machine Curls 60(8)/65(8)/70(8)
    DB Side Bends 40(8)/40(8)/40(8)

  6. #6
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    Deadlifts 135(8)/135(8)/135(8)
    Reverse Dumbbell Lunges 20(8)/20(8)/20(8)
    Lying Leg Curls 110(8)/110(8)/110(8)
    Toe Press Machine 190(8)/190(8)/190(8)
    Seated Calf Raises 70(8)/70(8)/70(80)
    Barbell Shrugs 155(7)/155(7)/155(7)

    That finishes the first week.

  7. #7
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    Week 2 - 1/30/06

    Decline Barbell Presses 215(5)/220(5)/225(5)/230(5)
    DB Bench Presses 95(6)/95(5)/95(4)/95(4)
    *Supinated-Grip Barbell Bent-Over Rows 135(5)/135(5)/135(5)/135(5)
    Seated Cable Rows 120(6)/120(6)/120(6)/120(6)
    Ab Machine 60(8)/60(8)/60(8)/60(8)

    On the decline press, I started with 200(5) for my first set. On my last set this week, I was at 230(5). That's a 30 gain in 7 days!

    I took out Chest-Supported, Seated Machine Rows and replaced them with bent-over rows. I was feeling very strong, that's why I made this adjustment in my program. Seated Cable Rows were placed after Bent-Over Rows; this is why my strength went down in them.
    Last edited by Papi93; 02-17-2006 at 12:29 PM.

  8. #8
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    Box Squats 165(5)/175(5)/185(5)
    Single-Leg Squats with Dumbbells, Back Leg Elevated 10(8)/10(8)/10(8)
    Back Extensions 25(6)/30(6)/35(5)/35(5)
    Dumbbell Shrugs 95(5)/100(4)/100(4)

    My Box Squat went from 145(5) to 185(5) in a week. A 40lb increase. I have very long femurs so I really have a hell of time with my squat strength .

  9. #9
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    Bench Press 175(8)/185(8)/195(8)
    Lying Triceps Extensions 90(6)/90(6)/90(6)
    *Supinated, Close-Grip Lat Pulldowns 160(8)/160(8)/160(8)
    Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Presses 55(9)/55(9)/55(9)
    Preacher Machine Curls 75(5)/75(5)/75(5)
    Dumbbell Side Bends 45(8)/45(8)/45(8)

    *I switched from Lat Pulldowns to the Supinated-Grip version. Again, I was feeling strong so I went with the exercise that would allow me to use superior weight.

    My repetition bench press went from 160(8) on my first set last week, to 195(8) this week. That's a 35lb. increase in 1 week!

  10. #10
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    Deadlifts 145(8)/145(8)/145(8)
    Reverse Dumbbell Lunges 30(8)/30(8)/30(8)
    Lying Leg Curls 125(8)/125(8)/125(8)
    Toe Press Machine 210(8)/210(8)/210(8)
    Seated Calf Raises 90(6)/90(6)/90(6)
    Barbell Shrugs 155(8)/155(8)/155(8)

    I only made a jump of 10lbs for the deadlift (from my first set last week to my last set this week). I hate squats but they are a walk in the park compared to deadlifts. Deadlifts are much more functional than squats, anyways.

  11. #11
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    Week 3 - 2/6/06

    Decline Barbell Presses 235(5)/240(5)/245(5)/250(4)
    Dumbbell Bench Presses 95(6)/95(6)/95(5)/95(5)
    Supinated-Grip Bent-Over Rows 140(5)/145(5)/150(5)/155(5)
    *Three Point Dumbbell Rows 80(5)/80(5)/80(5)/80(5)
    Ab Machine 70(8)/70(8)/70(8)/70(8)

    I was still feeling strong, despite my plateau in the decline. I added the db rows and took another machine out.

    For the decline press, I got 215(5) on my first set last week and 245(5) on my third set this week. An increase of 30lbs., again! 60lbs increase in 2 weeks!! On a down note, I only got 4 reps with 250 . My plateau is coming, I can feel it.

  12. #12
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    Box Squats 185(5)/195(4)/195(4)/195(4)
    Single-Leg Dumbbell Squats, Back Leg Elevated 15(8)/15(8)/15(8)/15(8)
    Back Extensions 35(6)/35(5)/35(5)/35(5)
    *Barbell Shrugs 155(5)/165(5)/165(4)

    *Our dumbbells only go up to 100lbs. so I switched to barbell shrugs, on this day as well. I love shrugs .

    As much as I love shrugs, I hate squats. I plateaued already. This lead me to wonder if I should go to 30mg ED for the last two weeks . I did hit that mini plateau on decline, as well.

  13. #13
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    Bench Press 205(8)/215(8)/225(5)
    Lying Triceps Extensions 100(5)/100(5)/100(5)
    Close-Grip Lat Pulldowns 180(6)/180(6)/180(6)
    Seated DB Shoulder Presses 55(10)/55(10)/55(9)
    Preacher Machine Curls 80(6)/80(6)/80(6)
    Dumbbell Side Bends 50(8)/50(8)/50(8)

    Bench went from 175(8), on my first set, last week to 215(8) on my third set, this week. A plateau was reached on my last set. This was a massive gain of 40lbs. in one week! 75lb gain in 2 weeks!!

  14. #14
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    Deadlifts 155(8)/155(8)/155(8)
    Reverse Dumbbell Lunges 35(8)/35(8)/35(8)
    Lying Leg Curls 140(8)/140(8)/140(8)
    Toe Press Machine 230(8)/230(8)/230(8)
    Seated Calf Raises 90(7)/90(7)/90(7)
    *RJW Barbell Shrugs 165(8)/175(7)/175(7)

    *This is an exercise I created after graduating from college. I needed to change the exercise because I'm incorporating barbell shrugs earlier in the week.

    I'm glad I stuck with the deadlifts because I am still increasing, even if it is only by 10lbs (from the first set last week to the last set this week).

  15. #15
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    Week 4 (last week) - 2/13/06

    Decline Barbell Presses 250(4)/250(4)/250(4)/250(4)
    Dumbbell Bench Presses 95(6)/95(6)/95(6)/95(6)
    Supinated-Grip Bent-Over Rows 160(5)/160(5)/160(5)/160(5)
    3 Point Dumbbell Rows 80(6)/80(6)/80(6)/80(6)
    Ab Machine 80(6)/80(6)/80(6)/80(6)

    Well...if officially plateaued out on the decline press. I was able to go with four sets of 4 reps with 250lbs, though. I'm looking to build up to a 3RM so I'm going to keep pressing away. From my experience, it looks like I should run Phera Plex at 20mg ED the first two weeks and 30mg ED the last two weeks.

  16. #16
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    Box Squats 195(4)/200(4)/200(4)/200(4)
    Single-Leg Squats with Dumbbells, Back Leg Elevated 20(8)/20(8)/20(8)
    Back Extensions 35(6)/35(6)/35(6)
    Barbell Shrugs 165(5)/170(5)/175(5)

    I may have plateaued on the squat, at the 5 rep mark, but as I said with the decline press, I want to build up to a 3RM.

  17. #17
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    Bench Presses 225(5)/225(6)/225(5)
    Lying Triceps Extensions 100(6)/100(6)/100(6)
    Close-Grip Lat Pulldowns 180(7)/180(7)/180(7)
    Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Presses 60(8)/60(8)/60(8)
    Preacher Machine Curls 80(7)/80(7)/80(6)
    Dumbbell Side Bends 55(8)/55(8)/55(8)

    Well, I basically maintained off of last week (from my last set), except for the 6 reps on my second set.

  18. #18
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    Tonight is my last workout of my Phera Plex cycle. I used a scale, on the first day of my log but I found out that the scale is not reliable so I did not include it. The scale said I started at 195lbs and I know I have gained at least the normal amount of weight of the cycle. I will weigh myself tonight and let you guys know how it turned out.

    I will not be updating until Monday morning. So fellow away please.
    Last edited by Papi93; 02-17-2006 at 02:13 PM.

  19. #19
    sputnik's Avatar
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    Papi, that is excellent detail, love it and well done.

    Now jsut keep track of your strength increases during PCT. Just make sure you keep the calories just as high ok?

    One thing I hadn't considered is that on cycle, as one puts on more BW, calories should be increased accordingly to support this and encourage more gains, something I didn't do. It also seems most ppl will say, ok I'm going to do 1000 cals surplus, when I ideally they should increase together with BW. Pref. good food of course so it doesn't all end up as fat.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by sputnik
    Papi, that is excellent detail, love it and well done.

    Now jsut keep track of your strength increases during PCT. Just make sure you keep the calories just as high ok?

    One thing I hadn't considered is that on cycle, as one puts on more BW, calories should be increased accordingly to support this and encourage more gains, something I didn't do. It also seems most ppl will say, ok I'm going to do 1000 cals surplus, when I ideally they should increase together with BW. Pref. good food of course so it doesn't all end up as fat.
    I'll keep a log of my PCT workouts. I'm using nolva 40mg ED, Retain, and PCT. Along with my liver and cardiovascular support supplements. I've keep my calories high during my cycle. The tough part will be keeping them high during PCT. It is difficult when you don't have that hormone in your body, that increases appetite. I promise to do my best. Thanks for the reply, Sputnik.

  21. #21
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    With the added strength that Phera Plex has given me, it's really inspired me to get back into training for the martial arts. It is amazing how when one aspect of your life becomes better, it can snowball into other areas. I was relaxing, last night, watching Bas Rutten's Mixed Marital Arts Workout DVD so that I could get my conditioning back. I would like to get back into a striking art, again, after I get my endurance back.

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    For side effects, I didn't notice a decrease in libido or much testicular atrophy. PCT should go smoothly. I did experience some facial acne but nothing as far as the back, shoulders, and arms go. My facial hair grew very fast. I expected this since Phera Plex is androgenic .

  23. #23
    sputnik's Avatar
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    good PCT supps bud, but yeah, do ur best with the calories!

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    Quote Originally Posted by sputnik
    good PCT supps bud, but yeah, do ur best with the calories!
    Is it just me or do you get nervous taking in all of those calories when you are off cycle? I feel like I will put on too much bodyfat.

  25. #25
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    not just u bud, me too....i did taper off i believe in the last 2 weeks...but still in surplus...on cycle u should consume plenty of carbs, but unless im wrong, maybe during pct one cant maybe shit more towards protein...i dont know

  26. #26
    novastepp's Avatar
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    swesome detail Papi, im keeping one almost identical which i will post after im finished too...

  27. #27
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    sputnik it was your thread that ultimately persuaded me to use pp and im am seeing great gains as well on my first week only, thanks to all of you. and the calorie thing is a good point id prob revert back to my average calorie diet had you not stressed that point. and papi i hope you keep your all your gains, just keep your mindset on constant improvement and im sure youll be fine.

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    Deadlifts 165(8)/165(8)/165(8)
    Reverse Dumbbell Lunges 40(8)/40(8)/40(8)
    Lying Leg Curls 155(6)/155(6)/155(6)
    Toe Press Machine 250(8)/250(8)/250(8)
    Seated Calf Raises 90(8)/90(8)/90(8)
    *Seated Dumbbell Shrugs 50(8)/50(8)/50(8)

    *My legs were very tired so I took a seat and put all the stress on my upper traps.

    My deadlift went up another 10lbs per set this week. I am, finally, feeling stronger in this lift but it is hard to make progress I saw in the decline press. Patience is a virtue with this exercise.

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    I started this journey at 195lbs. and on 2/17/06, I weighed in at 209lbs. 14lbs in 4 weeks was my total bodyweight gain. 3.5lbs per week was what I average in weight gain. I did not have my bodyfat percentage taken but I can I added a little bodyfat. Definitely worth the investment of $25 for a month's supply!

    My PCT is going to involve Retain (3 pills) and PCT (3 pills) ED for 4 weeks. I will also be taking nolva at 40mg ED for 2 weeks and at 20mg ED for 2 weeks. The Perfect Cycle, fish oils, and niacin will be run for support. I'm going to continue my log for the Phera Plex PCT (4 weeks).

    The journey continues...

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69
    sputnik it was your thread that ultimately persuaded me to use pp and im am seeing great gains as well on my first week only, thanks to all of you. and the calorie thing is a good point id prob revert back to my average calorie diet had you not stressed that point. and papi i hope you keep your all your gains, just keep your mindset on constant improvement and im sure youll be fine.
    Thanks for the encouragement, Bojangles.

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    Quote Originally Posted by novastepp
    swesome detail Papi, im keeping one almost identical which i will post after im finished too...
    I'm looking forward to seeing your journal, Nova!

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by sputnik
    not just u bud, me too....i did taper off i believe in the last 2 weeks...but still in surplus...on cycle u should consume plenty of carbs, but unless im wrong, maybe during pct one cant maybe shit more towards protein...i dont know
    I'm going to keep my calories up, including carbs, and see what happens. I'm looking at getting back into shape for martial arts so I will need to the carbs for energy.

  33. #33
    Milky87 is offline Member
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    Good stuff Papi.

    Did you experience any sides? Im especially interested to know about your hunger and libido

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    Quote Originally Posted by Milky87
    Good stuff Papi.

    Did you experience any sides? Im especially interested to know about your hunger and libido
    Sides: Facial acne, hair loss, facial hair grew faster, and increased aggression. I don't mind the increased aggression; I like it.

    My appetite was out of control. I felt like going to a buffet everyday. I could not get enough calories in. Libido remained normal (thank God).
    Last edited by Papi93; 02-21-2006 at 11:41 AM.

  35. #35
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    2/20/06 - PCT

    Decline Barbell Presses 250(5)/250(5)/250(5)/250(5)
    Dumbbell Bench Presses 100(6)/100(6)/100(6)/100(6)
    Supinated-Grip Bent-Over Barbell Rows 160(6)/165(5)/165(5)/165(5)
    Three-Point Dumbbell Rows 85(6)/85(6)/85(6)/85(6)
    Ab Machine 80(8)/80(8)/80(8)/80(8)

    Wow, that was a great workout, for PCT that is. I thought I had plateaued in the decline press but increased by one rep on each set. I was stronger in every exercise! A great start to PCT and the fear of losing strength has faded.
    Last edited by Papi93; 02-21-2006 at 11:41 AM.

  36. #36
    mg316's Avatar
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    awesome cycle log, keep us updated on the pct

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by mg316
    awesome cycle log, keep us updated on the pct
    Thanks! I think I will do fine, in PCT, based off of my last workout. My main concern will be after the 4 weeks of PCT. Do I run another cycle or do a natural month?

  38. #38
    Milky87 is offline Member
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    I would take the month off so that your tendons and ligaments can have a chance to catch up

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    Quote Originally Posted by Milky87
    I would take the month off so that your tendons and ligaments can have a chance to catch up
    Once again, thanks for being the voice of reason. When you are on-cycle, it's amazing how fast your muscles strengthen, in comparison to your tendons and ligaments.
    I think that is how many bodybuilders end up rupturing their pec, bicep, etc. Their muscles become, on-cycle, become so strong, so quickly that they experience a rupture.
    I have never heard of a natural lifter with a rupture.
    Good advice, as always!

  40. #40
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    The gym was overcrowded and I wasn't able to do box squats until my last exercise. This throws off any comparison to last week's weight. I hate when that happens. All of a sudden, one day in the gym, you get all of these college punks who decide to come in and do cheat curls with 65lbs in the squat rack. Not to mention, it's 10 sets supersetted with two other biceps exercises.

    Box Squats 200(4)/200(4)/200(4)/200(4)
    Single-Leg Squats, Back-Leg Elevated 25(8)/25(8)/25(8)
    Back Extensions 40(6)/40(6)/40(6)/40(6)
    Shrugs 180(5)/185(5)/190(5)

    My Box Squats only plateaued because I had to do them last in my workout. If they were first, I know that I would have added at least a rep on each set.

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