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Thread: How to utilize ECA properly

  1. #1

    How to utilize ECA properly

    I`ve got me some ephedrine and some aspirine and I`ll get some coffeine. The question is: how big doses should you use, and how often?

    I weigh 120 kgs (about 265) at 6"2 and would like to diet down from about 15-16% BF to 12%.
    Also, do any of you have any tips on keeping glucoses levels high on heavy upper body days? It seems like my 5RMs and 1RMs drop 20-30 lbs as soon as I loose 7 lbs of body weight even if I try to eat some extra carbs on the heavy upper body day and the day before.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    You'll get more help here

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    loss of strength when there is body weight loss is ultimatley a given try to throw in some carbs before your w/o but dont expect any miracles

    25mg of ephedrine
    200mg caffiene
    81mg of asprin/ although the asprin doesnt do much and can lead to health issue if taken for long periods of time.

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