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  1. #1
    swing lo is offline Banned
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    Anator it all hype?

    Anybody have a view on this new product from muscle-tech?

  2. #2
    stocky121's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by swing lo
    Anybody have a view on this new product from muscle-tech?

    muscle-tech=over priced

  3. #3
    need2bhuge is offline Junior Member
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    Muscletech does make some hefty priced stuff, some works, some doesn't, but that's the same way with any supplement out there. What works for some may not always work for others. The thing that interested me was that there is a patent on this product...this is the first patent that i have ever seen on a supplement! I'm not sure if this really means anything or not. They could have just got it patented to make people think that it must work But as far as my experiences go, the stuff works very well. I am taking it with superdrol but I am making better combined gains than when I was one a hefty cycle! I will be off the sd very soon and just taking anator so i will see if I keep the size and strength gains with just anator.

  4. #4
    Anabolios's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by need2bhuge
    Muscletech does make some hefty priced stuff, some works, some doesn't, but that's the same way with any supplement out there. What works for some may not always work for others. The thing that interested me was that there is a patent on this product...this is the first patent that i have ever seen on a supplement! I'm not sure if this really means anything or not. They could have just got it patented to make people think that it must work But as far as my experiences go, the stuff works very well. I am taking it with superdrol but I am making better combined gains than when I was one a hefty cycle! I will be off the sd very soon and just taking anator so i will see if I keep the size and strength gains with just anator.
    i hope you are running a pct with the sd and not just that fancy schmancy powder

  5. #5
    need2bhuge is offline Junior Member
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    well I'm running letro right now and then I'll be running some tamox and clomid. I don't want to look like a woman walking on the beach this summer! But other than that I won't be talking any supplements that make any claims so that way I will hopefully be able to tell if it was just the superdrol that was working or if the anator really does work...we shall see!

  6. #6
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    What is the premise behind anator? Is it a vasodilator?

    Muscle Tech=shit (usually)

  7. #7
    ascendant's Avatar
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    anator is supposed to "activate" your growth response on a genetic level. i read their claims, did the research, and it's a bunch of garbage. do the research and you'll find the same. it's pretty much a similar concept to the myostain blockers. in theory, sounds nice, but in all practicality, it will not work. the genetic modifications need to be done well before being born.

  8. #8
    Giants11's Avatar
    Giants11 is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Put simply, this crap is huge waste of Money.
    "without your word you're a shell of a man" - Tupac

    ***Giants11 is a fictional character any advice given is purely for entertainment purposes, always consult a physician before taking any supplements, drugs or changing your diet.***

  9. #9
    dink83 is offline New Member
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    i looked up the patent number on anator. it says nothing about activating a muscle gene in the patent. the patent application only talks about keeping creatine levels in your body higher for a longer period of time. so from that aspect, it is crap, but keeping creatine levels in your blood higher for longer will help you build muscle

  10. #10
    Testostack's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Giants11
    Put simply, this crap is huge waste of Money.
    You bet!

    The wise has spoken

    It's just amino acids w/ fancy names

  11. #11
    Giants11's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Testostack
    You bet!

    The wise has spoken

    It's just amino acids w/ fancy names

    Don't forget Fancy Marketing.
    "without your word you're a shell of a man" - Tupac

    ***Giants11 is a fictional character any advice given is purely for entertainment purposes, always consult a physician before taking any supplements, drugs or changing your diet.***

  12. #12
    need2bhuge is offline Junior Member
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    Well I'm glad that you looked up the patent number, I never thought of doing that! That's pretty pathetic! Well, I guess I can look at it this way, it's a desent pwo shake before my protein intake seeing that it has a good amount of dextrose to increase my insulin levels! But next time I will just opp for the huge jug of pure dextrose instaed of a small 3lb tub that only lasts for 16 days at $60. Thanks for cluing me in.

  13. #13
    Testostack's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Giants11
    Don't forget Fancy Marketing.
    Most important, of course.......Cutler tried it,.....and made 2 at the last O.



  14. #14
    ascendant's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Testostack
    Most important, of course.......Cutler tried it,.....and made 2 at the last O.
    well, you know those pro's are just promoting sponsors when endorsing products like that. i never pay attention to what those guys tell you to take. i've seen way too many of them promote things that are complete garbage to even think about it anymore.

    oh, and cmon now about the 2nd place remark. how many times now should he have beaten ronnie? ronnie has been booed at least twice now when people knew cutler should've won. they keep ronnie in 1st cause it's better for marketing purposes. i know for sure at least one year cutler had him beat out by a longshot. ronnie had a disgusting distended belly and they still let him beat cutler. that's why ronnie won't compete against cutler in other shows, cause he knows he can't sway them like the O.

  15. #15
    Testostack's Avatar
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    I'm no judge but personnaly think that, even if was closer than last years, he's far from being at Ronnie's level........look his back....
    he's large but just flat whereas Ronnie's one is full and deeper.......

    no preference though, just noticed that every years the same

  16. #16
    ascendant's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Testostack
    I'm no judge but personnaly think that, even if was closer than last years, he's far from being at Ronnie's level........look his back....
    he's large but just flat whereas Ronnie's one is full and deeper.......

    no preference though, just noticed that every years the same
    well, i think that depends on the year you're referring to. i've seen years where ronnie's is better, and others where cutler's was. i know it's a pretty tough call on many aspects. however, the distended belly, which ronnie has almost every single year, is supposed to give you serious point deductions, and they just keep letting him slide with it.

    don't get me wrong, i'm not saying cutler is better, but i think they're neck and neck and there were just some years that cutler should've taken ronnie off the throne IMO, and many other peoples as well considering ronnie had been booed, at least one year cause of unfair judging. i do feel bad though, as to win then get booed without knowing exactly why must've been harsh. then again, from ronnie's vids, he seems to be a cocky bastard anyway, so i don't feel that bad.

  17. #17
    BIG_T_MC06's Avatar
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    Thumbs down

    If ANATOR P70 did all it claimed to everyone would be walking around with completely different, not to methion vastly improved physiquies within a matter of time after its release. It's another supplement (as most new muscle tech ones are) that in my oppinion is overpriced and over hyped, this new stream of supplements seems to me to only be different types of amino acids/creatines/delivery systems.

    This product claims to alter/influence genes and induce muscle growth, the latter part of the statment may be true due to the amino acids and delivery techniques used. However the gene alteration/influencing claims of the product are a load of BS i feel! Genes would have to be infulenced before birth wouldn't they!?!

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