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Thread: Halodrol 50

  1. #1
    golddaddy21 is offline New Member
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    Question Halodrol 50

    I'm thinking about giving Halodrol-50 a shot soon over Pheraplex and SD because of the milder side effects. I was just wondering what do you guys recommend about the length of the cycle and how many tabs a day. I'm not quite sure if I should get 1 or 2 bottles. I heard Nolvadex and 6-oxo are good for PCT but how long?? One more question summer is coming so is Halodrol a good idea if I'm taking in less calories than usual. Thanks guys in advance.

  2. #2
    e-dawg's Avatar
    e-dawg is offline Junior Member
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    I will be starting the maximus stack in about two weeks which is halodrol and orastan E. One halodrol and three orastan e's a day for 4 weeks. I will be taking novedex xt for Pct. The halodrol box says not to take for more than a month.

  3. #3
    Testostack's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by golddaddy21
    I'm thinking about giving Halodrol-50 a shot soon over Pheraplex and SD because of the milder side effects. I was just wondering what do you guys recommend about the length of the cycle and how many tabs a day. I'm not quite sure if I should get 1 or 2 bottles. I heard Nolvadex and 6-oxo are good for PCT but how long?? One more question summer is coming so is Halodrol a good idea if I'm taking in less calories than usual. Thanks guys in advance.
    Ok so first, fill out ur profile so we can now what's your supplement/workout history.
    Then if you wanna give HD 50 a shot, ur damn right, that a "weak tbol" but of what i heard and saw, way better than PP and others....
    Go like this

    Week 1-4: 50 mg ED
    Week 5: PCT

    Week 1-2: Nolva 40 mg ED
    Week 3-4: Nolva 20 mg ED

    that should do the trick!!

  4. #4
    e-dawg's Avatar
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  5. #5
    Testostack's Avatar
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  6. #6
    NEW_IN_THE_GAME's Avatar
    NEW_IN_THE_GAME is offline Associate Member
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    N.D-soon bak home 2 S.D
    I am almost 20, and I am going to do the maxus this summer, after i am done cutting. then clean bulk.

    haladrol- 1 tab a day
    orasten- 3 a day

    my nolva was like this

    week 1 - 60mg a day
    week 2- 40mg a day
    week 3 - 40 mg a day
    week 4- 20 mg a day

    maybe 6 oxo with it , to make sure, then at end of sumemr.

    I am doing first cycle.
    Test E at 500mg a week, 250mg monday, 250mg thursday.

    so while on maxus, probly ,milk thistle, saw palmetto, cranberry. plus other supps i take

    amino acids, creatine, whey, glutamine, aakg.

  7. #7
    Testostack's Avatar
    Testostack is offline Anabolic Member
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    i still dunno if Nolva is really needed or just advised......can't figure that out.....would just novedex xt a good ID or what? not that i don't want Nolva, conversely i got one @ home...

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