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  1. #1
    MartyMcFly's Avatar
    MartyMcFly is offline Senior Member
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    I was wondering if superdrol was good. do you bloat much. I was wondering because I am going to start my first cycle soon but it will be deca and test e but that will bloat the hell out of me which I will want after the summer. I am cutting now so I would like to have something to put on a little weight or harden up. Was wondering if superdrol was like this. I do not want letro or anything like that to control my bloat. I was thinking about Var but it is pricey at least from my source. I already have pct for deca/test so a 6 week cycle of super drol won't be a prob especially for the price if it doesn't bloat you. I would like to hear about experiences with SD on a cut. Not worth it is an acceptable answer. Thank you.

    P.S. This is not a thinly veiled source request for a better Var hookup. I do not deal with anyone I have not known for years, so no PMs please.

  2. #2
    novastepp's Avatar
    novastepp is offline Have You Picked a Fight Lately?
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    Funny, the thread diretly below this one right now (before i post) has information from guys who have used it to cut, so i would just do a search or PM those guys and ask them how it went...

  3. #3
    kloter1's Avatar
    kloter1 is offline Southern Steel Bodybuilding
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    sd is a dry oral so there shouldnt hardly be any water retention.

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